babybird wrote:
I've tried so many times before and I always end up on a higher dose than before.
I think I've been using it for about 20 years at least so I don't know how long it would take me to taper off it.
From personal experience , for me . It took about two weeks of tapering , but I made sure , i had a more natural supplement , that even remotely had similiar side effects equivolent to the Mirtazapine. Wnd add that in more slowly to your daily supplementation. The more natural a supplement is , generally it is eadier to get off of. Than the concentrated stuff in prescriptions .. If you can gind a way to ginance a bisut to a good ( well reccomended Naturopath) .
That eould be a faster route . But if you just take time to do your own research . On a few supplements , that mmight have a like profile to Mirtazepine .. It might pay off too.( just a thought). based on my own past experience.
Diagnosed hfa
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