Pieplup wrote:
usagibryan wrote:
Not being able to move my arms (a form of claustrophobia I guess, I can't get in an MRI)
- Asphyxiation
- Germs
- Milk
- Needles
- Parasites
- Spiders
- Trypophobia
- Fear of being crazy, or that what I'm experiencing isn't real
I used to have a really bad time with shots but got over it.
Pretty much my list is
- Social Interaction I basically can't talk to strangers. Unless I rehearse what i'm going to say. And alot of times It'a
- Snakes
- Large Insects insects really freak me out. That's not a thing in real life though. (Large like the size of a person.)
- Bees (But i'm allergic so it's not that irrational.) Social anxiety is a given, of course, I don't like attention put on me. My worst nightmare is that cliche scene from movies where everyone goes "Speech! Speech!" at a party. I'm not afraid of snakes per se... like if you had a baby pet snake and you told me it was safe I'd hold it, but wild snakes or large snakes for sure, I don't want to get bit. For me I'm afraid of bugs that move quickly, the type that stop suddenly and then run really fast. That's spiders, roaches, silverfish, etc. Ants and such don't bother me (I loved ants as a kid) I like large insects if they are pretty, like large moths. I hate wasps and mosquitoes though, more afraid of wasps than anything.