Lost_dragon wrote:
Er, what counts as "mild" "moderate" or "severe" exactly? It is based on the amount of time these behaviours take up/how disruptive they are to a person's life? I'm just curious. Most people in my life refer to me as OCD, but I don't have any sort of diagnosis. But right now I'm considering it as a strong possibility.
I realise that people these days tend to throw around the word OCD a lot, using it as an adjective to describe being organised.
But personally I'm not even that organised, in fact I'm usually something of a disorganised klutz, but yeah some of my behaviours do take up a lot of time. I've been trying to curb them though recently.
In my case, severe OCD was being unable to distract or think about anything else, screaming and crying for hours every day because the obsessions were so strong, and having little insight and not attempting to stop or curb any of my compulsions. I had around probably 70-80 compulsions per day, and the obsessions were almost constant. It's a lot better now, and I would say I am mild-moderate, depending on the day. I would describe that as having obsessions that flair up quite often, being constantly worried but not panicking, and having around 50 compulsions per day (maybe that's not mild
). The YBOCS (Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale) is great for determining the "level" of OCD. Here's a link:
http://www.seinstitute.com/wp-content/u ... cklist.pdf Hope this helps
Hi! I'm Stampy (not the actual YouTuber, just a fan!) and I have been diagnosed professionally with ASD and OCD and likely have TS. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to PM me!
Current Interests: Stampy Cat, AGT, and Medicine