Beauty_pact wrote:
I've been shopping a lot, since about a year back. Like you, I do it because of the emptiness within me... I am *very* unhappy... basically dead inside. But getting a new package, every now and then, to go through and be sort of happy from, for a day or two, at least, feels worth it, to me. The ones sent from Japan are the most fun. I currently am waiting for two packages from Japan. I'm ordering a new one, later this month, too. I also am waiting for two packages from resellers in Sweden. >_> One of them is with anime... I'm going to get one of Sweden's biggest anime collections, haha. I still can pay my bills, but I've felt like I've been about to lose control, several times. Aside from always remaining able to pay my bills, my main rule tends to be that what I buy is stuff that I will have use for, and that I will have room for it. I don't want to end up as one of those with an apartment/house that is all ugly, from being crowded with things. :/
I have an anime collection too, it's my guilty pleasure. I feel like a shopaholic when I buy anything that's not anime. When I go out and over spend needlessly on shoes, clothing, arts/craft stuff, I feel a little guilty, but NEVER when I buy an anime item from japan. (T_T) It's the only thing I never question. Sometimes I do sell some of my anime collection that doesn't pertain to one particular show I really like so I can have room for my fav stuff. The way you described getting a package in the mail I can so relate LOL.
Last edited means I caught yet another spelling mistake I missed while I was looking for them, Damn Dyslexia.