Why would you possibly want that? It can cause permanent memory loss for events that are years and years back in your life, thus quite likely permanently ruining your life, and is certain to give you permanent brain damage. What ECT does is frying your brain, hoping to remove the "troubling" sections. Much like a strike of lightning would do it. What happens to people who get struck by lightning? They become dumber, due to permanent brain damage. ECT does the same, which is why you also may become happier from it, because dumber = happier... and again, don't forget the random loss of memory it easily causes.
ECT is a disgusting practice that would suit well for the dark ages, and every doctor that as much as suggests it should be put to death. Aside from what I had read about it, before, the Swedish public service channel SVT had a very good, fairly made documentary about it, in their program 'Uppdrag granskning', and the channel also provided follow-ups, and their findings were not pretty. The only reason ECT still is used is because people with mental problems, including depression, are seen as lesser individuals in society. It's sickening beyond description. The psychiatry business is a business of legally preying on the weak, those who have lost hope, or those who are put in mental wards against their will, to use as test subjects, or subjects for the sadistic desires of certain people.