I used to get runner's high's all the time, but now, I can't. I used to before entering a massive depression, and while I'm emerging now, something's different. Could someone please diagnose this problem, because it's frustrating.
Forget about the idea of getting a runner's high, because last week, I ran for over half an hour on a treadmill with it going at 7.6 mph. If I'm unable to attain euphoria at that level, then just what's to be done, anywho?
I must be lacking in dopamine, or endorphins, or opioids, or something, but what? WHy aren't I getting a runner's high? Why am I laccking in emotion, motivation, and creativity?
Just what should I take to recover from depression, anyhow? I think at my worst, I had a serotonin problem, but now, I don't, so boosting it won't solve anything.
How to trigger a dopamine release? An endorphin release? Opioid? Something else?
I've taken Zoloft, Adderall, ephedra, and imipramine, among others, but they don't seem to do the trick. I've also tried supplements like St. John's Wort, DL phenylalanine, and inositol, too.
Anybody have any idea what I'm looking for? WHat of therapy? Would hyperbaric work? Is there anyplace for it in the Pacific Northwest? How about electical stimulation? SHock therapy? Magnetic fields?
I don't know, so I'm just asking, because for the first time in my life, I'm wanting for mental energy, even if I'm currently feeling physically dandy, and emotionally sanguine.
Please help.