Mania is the complete opposite pole of depression, hence why it is part of BIpolar disorder. Not all manic individuals experience intense irritability. Some may be textbook mania and be predominantly euphoric. Others may experience mixed episodes, which is a combination of both mania and depression. But mania is the opposite of depression in every way, not just in mood elevation. Depressed individuals, for example, have low sex drive, often sleep too much, and have low energy. Manic individuals are hypersexual, sleep little, and have an abundance of energy. While the biology of mania and depression is still largely unknown, low serotonin is linked to depression, whereas high serotonin is linked to mania. Again, they are opposites.
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?