Asperger's or Bipolar? Or Both? Is it impossible to tell?
My daughter was diagnosed with Asperger's and Developmental Dyspraxia 2 years ago. I was very surprised at the diagnosis. Now that I've read a lot about AS I can see her AS traits. However, the older she gets, the "less" AS she seems and the more Bipolar she seems. I am wondering if there is a reliable way to tell the difference?
She was diagnosed by a reputable University Health Science Center by a Neuropsych. However, the Dev Pedi has since told me that sometimes what appears as AS when they are young-turns out to be Bipolar as they age. Is this true?
The AS characteristics my daughter has are some stims, sensory sensitivity, proprioceptive issues, coordination problems, repetitive mannerisms, and rigidity (everything needs to be exactly the same all the time). However, she doesn't seem to have obsessive interests or speak obsessively about a single topic. Her communication is not always impaired-it seems to only be impaired if there is some social anxiety element. Otherwise, she can communicate quite eloquently and effectively. She also has some OCD issues that come and go that include tapping objects, counting, etc.
The Bipolar characteristics she has are extreme mood swings, periods of constant irritability, periods of depression which include statements that she wants to die, violent periods where she hits herself and me, crying jags, over-emotionality.
Can the bipolar characteristics be exlpained by her stress level and anxiety stemming from the AS? I can find books/articles on both sides of this and these days finding any reliable information, even from a Dr, is near impossible. So I wanted to ask opinions here, where you guys have first hand knowledge.
Thanks for any insight.
Many of the bipolar characterisitics you mentioned can be found in people with AS, not because of the chemical imbalance which causes bipolar, but for other reasons. Mood swings can come from rigidity, and from sensory issues as well (and other things), for example. Some people with AS also experience depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts because of their differences. That is not to say she definitely has AS and definitely does not have bipolar. I think the best thing to do would be to take her to get reevaluated. If she does have bipolar, the treatment for that is nothing like the treatment for AS. If she really is bipolar, that is something you would want to know to get her the help she needs. I would definitely make an appointment to talk to someone.
You don't say how old your daughter is but from what you describe it doesn't sound like bipolar disorder to me.
Bipolar is very definitive. There are periods of marked extreme highs, often including things like delusions and extreme lows. You haven't suggested anything that sounds like mania or even hypomania
If he dx is from reputable professionals why add a new label to her based on something you've read on the Internet?
We all have mood swings, bipolar is more than just mood swings. Depression seems to go hand in hand with young people dx'd with ASD, especially the more high functioning who struggle to find their place. If your daughter is anywhere between 12 and 20 there is every chance she's just going through normal growing up moods and they don't need a label or severe and debilitating mediation, just time, patience and understanding.
As for women and special interests, i suggest you read some of the posts here about women and their special interests as often diagnostic information focuses on men and trains. Believe me i have no interest in trains... My special interests change with the weather, it's just the intensity in which I get into it at the time that makes it different. I also don't talk only about one topic.
Not all people on the spectrum have every symptom listed.
Sometimes its best not to read too much into diagnostic criteria of any condition and support your daughter with her needs. A good doc will pick out bipolar if necessary but they'd need more than what you've said above.
Perhaps shes just coming to terms with her diagnosis and feeling different. Further evaluation may not help that unless you are 100% sure something is not right. The suicidal ideation might be worth getting looked at tho as antidepressants may help.
This can also be a factor of genetics.
Both Autism and Bi polar disorders have higher percentage to be pasted thru genetics.
I looked at this and many others similar
As you stated the information on this is remote and unobtainable to be of help.
My (mothers father) granfathers family tree shows a strong deffective genetic trait. There are numerous different mental illness's and a large history Autism. He was diagnoised as Manic Depressive and within my uncles, auntie, cousins 2nd cousins and nephew the majority of us have a form of impairment. Diagnosis of Bi Polar disorder, Aspergers, ADHD, Major Depession, Anxiety and schizophrenia. to name a few. There is a connection from my granfathers and his siblings being either Autistic or having a direct form of Mental impairment/illness to there children and grandchildren with widespread Autism spectrum disorders other developmental and learning disabillities, mental illness and personality disorders.
At 19 i was dx with Bi polar nos. My development of regression from starting school was highlighted to be conributing factor for Bi polar although manic episodes were inconsistant with critea. Since i started school in early 1980's i have had many different dx developmental and forms of mental illness. As of today i am believed to have a form of high functioning Autism and psychological adherment nos.
Thank you all for the feedback. It seems my daughter, at times, becomes "manic". It is really hard to describe. She moves fast, she talks, fast, she is highly agitated, aggressive. If I try to talk to her she ignores me. Her eyes are wide and animalistic. She acts as if she cannot hear me-she seems like an animal with frightening obsessive focus on the other children. She screams, she hits and pushes. The other children are quite overwhelmed and I am too. If they get mad and go away she cries and doesn't understand "what went wrong". She blames THEM for going away and takes no responsibilty. She cannot be reasoned with in these manic phases. This one has lasted for a month now. If she gets angry, she hits, kicks, screams, and breaks things. She will also hit herself. She doesn't seem delusional but she is definitely not herself.
I am very concerned. She can't like being this way. I don't know how to help her. At other times she is quiet-even to a point of being bothered by noises, calm, and will "veg out" for long periods.
Thanks. I do hope there is someone who can help her. Even if this is AS related, we are going through something very severe right now. ... sorder.php
And I commend the faith you have in your daughter. She is fortunate in that respect, and knowing that brings peace to my own heart. I have a form of Tourettes that presents with severe rage attacks, and there have been times that people have thought the worst of me.
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