I feel your pain MasterJedi
this is something I also have a very very huge problem with.
The time before last that I cleaned up I experienced incredible anxiety attacks, trying to deal with the mess, and get everything in order and where I want it, and it was so damn overwhelming, I was an emotional mess all that day and into the next, and the amount of cleaning needed that was accomplished ended up being very little
My big problem is staying on track, not getting sucked into small time consuming parts of the cleanup, and getting overwhelmed by the big picture of what I need to accomplish.
Now last night I had to do an emergency run through the place to clean up for a inspection by the landlord and fire inspector today, and at first it was straight panic, and I wasn't able to focus and could feel the pressure building up and a migraine starting, but I took some time and forced myself to relax, and started picking 1 short term project at a time to accomplish, and prioritized according to what had to be done, and what could slip by if I ran out of time.
I was absolutely shocked to discover myself 6 hours later with a clean apartment, and a manageable level of stress/anxiety, a huge huge improvement over previous times, and I have to say I'm quite proud of myself.... Now just to keep up with it.
But yeah MasterJedi, just take it easy, keep calm, break it up into manageable chunks that you can accomplish each part of in less than an hour, and I have faith you can get it done, with or without the Ativan
Take care and goodluck,