I believe i may have AS or ADD, possibly both or perhaps a personality dissorder. I can identify with many of the symptoms of AS although i have no problems with fine motor movements and do not believe i have any sensory issues. I do however believe i have struggled in life particularly with relationships and know i am somehow different so would really like some answers.
l am currently attending therapy for depression and low self esteem, i have spoken about my concerns with my therapist who simply assures me i am normal and seems to want to concentrate more on the imidiate problems which is understandable i guess however i do feel that my concerns are partly whats causing my depression and finding answers would enable me to deal with things more completely.
How do i go about getting checked out? is there a route i can take whereby i can get an evaluation which would screen for a myriad of dissorders rather than assesing me for a specific one?
I am in UK cheers