FireBird wrote:
Why would you want schizophrenia? I have schizoaffective and its no fun. You have to take pills for the rest of your life and they all have nasty side effects. I have taken many pills and gained massive weight because of it and my current pill which is Loxapine causes extreme tiredness. Sometimes I have to take it in the morning and all I do all day long is sleep. That also causes you to gain weight even though the pill itself doesn't cause weight gain as a side effect. I get thought insertion which is people putting thoughts into your head. That is a terrifying experience. I also get hallucinations but luckily for me they are mild compared to others with this disease. At least I don't get the loud voices all the time, mine are soft most of the time with occasional yelling and screaming. I mainly get the visual type of hallucinations and for example I saw a floating person a few days ago. Trust me, it is wrong to wish it on yourself. Thinking someone is going to kill you or reading your thoughts your most private thoughts isn't something you want.
I can't explain why. I kind of know why, but I couldn't put it into words. Also, like I said, it's possibly a form of masochism, which means "deriving pleasure and gratification from suffering pain and humiliation upon the self", in my case being adversely affected by disorders and other sicknesses and deficits.