I use CBT , but its still a work in progress as far as i am concerned. It is useful , but i feel that it is also about my personal discipline to use such a technique for the rest of my life. Although i have not tackled depression yet and think it will take years to deal with. Where do i start?. I fill out all these thought sheets which i am becoming better at filling out , but i am not sure wether i am becoming better at tackling my problems and at the moment i would say i have a long way to go. The major concern for me is after the treatment and wether i will be commited enough to change my life for the better or wether i will fall back into my old habits. I do mindfulness , even though there is still so much about this world that pisses me off so i am not exactly mindful , although i have miles to go on both fronts and i am expecting set backs i will continue. I am not giving up hope yet even though i sometimes feel that there is too much to tackle and that to change my old habits and make a better me is not possible , i do not believe in miracles this is the problem. When someone says you can be happy forever that to me is a miracle , to get out of bed every day not feeling like you want to die or get back in your bed would be a miracle , to enjoy my work without feeling i am a piece of s**t would be a miracle. To have friends would be a miracle , and so on , i do like using CBT , but for me it has not worked fully yet and i don't think i am quite where i want to be emotionally and as a person and i feel this will take more time than a few sessions with a doctor.