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15 Dec 2010, 1:17 pm

I have a number of comorbidities (depression, OCD, social phobia etc.) and for all these conditions CBT is supposed to be the treatment with the best outcome. Has anyone with AS found this method helpful?

My worry about it is that I find I very hard to control what I am thinking (OCD) and I gather CBT is based on disciplined thinking.


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15 Dec 2010, 2:06 pm

I know nothing about CBT in any formal or traditional sense or setting, yet my life did begin changing for the better many years ago after I began allowing someone else to begin teaching me how to live ... and that amounted to taking some specific actions even against or in spite of my own thinking in order to discover for myself the truth about what really is best for all.

In the final analysis, we each need a truly-viable philosophy or "approach to life", and I have found it better to let that develop as a result of being taught what to do rather than by simply trying to think one up and make it work. However, it is definitely important to first observe the actual life of the "teacher" and be sure you want to walk his or her same path.

My point: Be cautious of people encouraging you to try things they have yet to actually experience for themselves.

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15 Dec 2010, 3:31 pm

I've used CBT. It's probably the best suited therapy for AS.

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15 Dec 2010, 4:07 pm

John_Browning wrote:
I've used CBT. It's probably the best suited therapy for AS.

Agreed it is the best suited, and has been proven to be much more effective than therapy using drugs. I have done it, it does help, but you don't realize it until the therapist says you don't need to come in regularly any more. I am kind of shocked it is not put out there and advocated as much. Instead people (especially parents) want pills, even though there is no drug on the market approved to treat any ASD, and drug therapy is not as effective with people with ASD when there is co-morribund conditions. CBT works quite well, if you are willing to give it a go.


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16 Dec 2010, 1:24 am

A future sub-component after startup of the program I am designing with consults from qualified individuals is inclusion based behavioral transitions for those that need it. I am fully able to understand generalized theory and even ask that I practice it on myself for sensory and environmental tolerances. As I have the autism I can best understand this but so can professionals. With the help of the local business community and the community public relations frameworks I have designed sometimes participants in need of these things will also benefit but everyone is assigned a professional so no one knows whom needs therapy and not.

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06 Nov 2011, 7:47 am

I use CBT , but its still a work in progress as far as i am concerned. It is useful , but i feel that it is also about my personal discipline to use such a technique for the rest of my life. Although i have not tackled depression yet and think it will take years to deal with. Where do i start?. I fill out all these thought sheets which i am becoming better at filling out , but i am not sure wether i am becoming better at tackling my problems and at the moment i would say i have a long way to go. The major concern for me is after the treatment and wether i will be commited enough to change my life for the better or wether i will fall back into my old habits. I do mindfulness , even though there is still so much about this world that pisses me off so i am not exactly mindful , although i have miles to go on both fronts and i am expecting set backs i will continue. I am not giving up hope yet even though i sometimes feel that there is too much to tackle and that to change my old habits and make a better me is not possible , i do not believe in miracles this is the problem. When someone says you can be happy forever that to me is a miracle , to get out of bed every day not feeling like you want to die or get back in your bed would be a miracle , to enjoy my work without feeling i am a piece of s**t would be a miracle. To have friends would be a miracle , and so on , i do like using CBT , but for me it has not worked fully yet and i don't think i am quite where i want to be emotionally and as a person and i feel this will take more time than a few sessions with a doctor.


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06 Nov 2011, 10:20 am

I have tried it, and it does not really seem to work at all...though it was for depression not AS.


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07 Nov 2011, 7:23 am

the best medicine i found is company of a NT if they are not judgemental about you and are willing to guide you out then you will learn a lot from them


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07 Nov 2011, 2:58 pm

I had CBT for years and it didn't really help at all. It was mainly for depression and panic attacks though. Now I've got a psychiatrist who understands Aspergers and listens to me and teaches me ways of coping with stuff. Seeing him is helping me much much more than CBT did.


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09 Nov 2011, 1:09 pm

I would love this help, but every doctor that I have seen says there aren't any CBT services in my area, and they cannot refer me to any others out of the area. If you live in the UK and need this kind of help, you're a goner because you won't get it. Thanks a lot for cutting our services, David Cameron, you demented bastard.
