backagain wrote:
Hi, My 23 year old son, who lives hundreds of miles away from me, with his father, seems to be having some symptoms that sound like schizophrenia. Erratic, extreme mood changes, really paranoid. My exhusband was about ready to kick him out because he started getting loud and obnoxious, had finally found a job then quit within a month. My ex went through a 12 step program years back, and now all he sees are the signs of addiction.
I don't know which is scarier- him suddenly taking some serious illegal drugs (he admits to smoking pot, but denies any other drugs) or that it is a mental issue, or he is just being strange, or overwhelmed with anxiety, or what!! !
Are any of you young people aware of party drugs that can cause extreme paranoia with short term use? His behavior has changed drastically in just a couple of weeks.
Any of you who know about schizophrenia, the onset, what it's like etc. please share with me your first hand knowledge. (I have been reading lots of stuff, but so much is BS on the internet these days, and I trust the people here that have had real experiences).
What treatment works, what is the best way to handle someone like this, etc etc etc.
Thanks for any information, I am simply terrified and he is supposed to go to a drug counseling appt next week that his dad made, since his dad is only considering it a drug thing, and not even considering real medical/psychological issues.
Well for some people cannabis can contribute to schizophrenia.........though some people with that disorder use it to self medicate so it can be hard to say what exactly is going on there. I mean I use cannabis to self medicate my depression, anxiety and PTSD but in my case it was quite clear those issues were present before I started regularly smoking so i know the smoking did not contribute to it. I think it is important to look at the medical/psychological stuff first because sometimes drug treatment is not a very good place to start and some of the treatment places actually abuse the people...
However if he does have a drug problem that is technically a psychological I would say its better to go the psychiatric route because then everything can be looked at.....Rather then having him go somewhere were they will only blame all his problems on him and be more focused on telling him what to do then helping him get to the root of the problem.
We won't go back.