Hi, I'm just worried about myself, I suppose, and how I've been feeling lately and because I don't think it's AS or anything like it I put it in other psychological conditions.
1. I keep thinking that there's recording devices in the walls, like video cameras, sorta like Big Brother (I don't watch it, so forgive me if I'm wrong) where it records my life day to day, everything I'm doing, and if I do something wrong everyone will know and I'll be punished.
2. My thoughts are so confused all the time, unconnected, or my mind's completely blank, then a random word will come into it like, discombobulate (is that how you spell it? )
3. I get my dreams and 'reality' mixed up, for example, I had a dream where I attacked some mean girls at a shopping centre (or mall, if you wish) 'cos they were bullying me, and I saw 2 girls who looked like them on my way to school the next day and I wanted to attack them. Also I thought my boyfriend was staying with us (he was in the dream) and when I woke up I was sure he was lying next to me or in another room, or downstairs in the kitchen getting breakfast, which he wasn't, and I was intensely confused as to why.
4. I keep thinking that everything isn't real, it's all an illusion (or delusion, not sure which applies here) that everything is a figment of my imagination, like a sort of Matrix I suppose. I had to go up and touch a telephone pole to make sure it was there, 'cos it looked weird (as it was wet as opposed to dry) and it looked funny and I was sure it wasn't there before.
5. I keep smelling things that aren't there, this has been happening for years, just occasionally smelling things that weren't there, like strawberry yoghurt or sausages. Like right now I can smell creamed butter and sugar. Normally these scents go almost immediately, but this has been here for like 5 minutes now.
6. Now this one I'm not sure about, I think I can hear muted whispering (like friends whispering far away, where you can't hear what they're saying) in the back of my head, but it might just be me putting it there, I'm not sure.
7. I occasionally hear people coming up the stairs at my house, but when I come out there's no-one in any of the upstairs rooms and I didn't hear the door open (the door at the bottom of the stairs makes a really loud noise when opened) and when I check, it's still shut (I would have heard it shut too, it's honestly REALLY loud when moved at all).
8. I think people are lying to me (even though they're figments of my imagination) when they say that there isn't anything in the walls or that they're not delusions/illusions (although they would say that if they were).
What's wrong with me?