Diagnosed adult Combined AD/HD...suspect Asperger's? Help ??
So, I have been diagnosed with adult combined type AD/HD which I take (awesomely effective while it lasts....) vyvanse to control. (I had been mis-dx'd with Bipolar, depression, OCD- which I still have some traits of, generalized anxiety disorder, other anxiety disorders and phobias) I'm also a female in my early 20's. There are some things that I notice that AD/HD does not explain. Such as not liking eye contact. That's an understatement.... it makes my skin crawl, actually. Not with everyone though. Close family is okay, for a certain period of time. If I'm angry at someone though and in offensive mode, I actually try to keep constant eye contact and generally succeed. Generally, when people with adhd don't keep eye contact it's because they get distracted- not b/c they are uncomfortable.
- I also don't fit the typical ad/hd stereotype (and I realize it is JUST that...) of not caring about others feelings. I really do care about other people's feelings and I find myself CONSTANTLY thinking about saying the wrong thing and hurting someone, or saying something to embarrass them, etc.
- I don't have a language deficit. I taught myself to read before kindergarten. (i have also taught myself Hebrew and ASL)
- I remember some things very very clearly (seemingly random things) and other things that I should remember I have no idea what it is.
- I tend to think in black or white. My husband spent about 30 minutes trying to explain to me how hearing and listening CAN be the same thing. I don't get it.
- I tend to talk constantly about something to someone. I know when they are getting bored, (by their body language) but I just still can't seem to stop myself.
- I really* like to be social (on MY terms ONLY**) for a little while, but then all of a sudden I WANT OUT. Afterwards, I'm always exhausted.
- I read way too much into things.
- I can read others body language VERY* well. I can walk into a room and not even see faces or anything, but tell if someone in the room is mad, happy, sad...etc.
- BUT, I guess I always give off the wrong body language. For example, when I'm perfectly happy people will ask me why I'm so upset/mad/angry, etc. Right now my younger sister thinks I'm mad at her (but won't talk to me about it, I guess) and I have NO IDEA why she would think that. She is always making snarky and mean comments so I'm careful around her. But, if she were to ever ask anything of me I would do it in a heartbeat.
- I have a hard time recognizing any emotion (in myself) unless it's extreme. I also don't see the difference in joyful/happy/elated, angry/frustrated/mad...etc.
- I'm very easily overstimulated. Especially by sounds.
- I'm so afraid of loud sounds. Especially abrupt loud sounds. 2 sounds that come to mind immediately are chain saws (I feel like my skin is going to jump off of my bones and my heart is going to run out of my chest...) and motorcycles.
- If I know someone is going to come over for the day, or just for a visit (even if I really like the person!) I DREAD it and it makes me kinda depressed from the time I wake up.
- If I'm going out with my friends (i don't really have any now. I don't really like people my age. They make me feel odd.) (I've done this twice in my adult life...) I dread it about 2 days before hand and try to think of a way to get out of it.
- Before I talk to someone I tend to run it through in my head and try to think of what I will say and how I will say it...etc.
- I speak in parables/metaphors A LOT. I find them very easy to think of and implement. BUT, when someone else uses them I have a very* hard time understanding what in the world they mean.
- Writing, and music are my LIFELINE. Reading to some extent, as well. I tend to relate to people in song.
- I tend to really take what people say to heart. It always tends to change my view (there are only a few things that are non-negotiable with me, but those things could NEVER be changed in my mind)
- I hate hate hate hate being ignored or feeling like people aren't listening to me.
- I have a lot of sensory issues. For example, my toes have to move freely in my shoes (i have to be able to move my big toe up a certain amount of the way and if not I won't wear them as it frustrates me.), my shirts can't be tight on my armpit or I get very angry, if I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt and the sleeve twists up near the top and I can't get it fixed it has caused anger outbursts and crying, I can't stand the feel of curdory, i don't mind mud on my hands at all but if it dries I have to get it off IMMEDIATELY as I can't stand it, I can't eat rosemary/black pepper (anything that looks like a bug or might feel like there is something foreign in my mouth), when I was younger and wore panty hose they had had had had had to be pulled up just so and they had to stay there or it would cause crying fits...etc.
- I feel SO awkward and never know what to say/do/how to act... around people my age.
- I tend to mimic the tone, behaviors and manorisms of the people I'm around (sometimes I have no idea I'm doing this)
- I tend to forgive people quickly and try to trust them again (often before they deserve it) but I find that I really don't forget what they do, EVER.
- I always need validation.
- I'm so sensitive to criticism, but equally sensitive to praise.
- People tell me that I will laugh or show inappropriate emotions at times. I don't see this, really.
There is a lot more, and if anyone is interested or think that it might help I would be more than happy to go on.
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