How much can negative symptoms of schizophrenia overlap with AS in a person who has both autism and schizophrenia?
I ask because when I was a child, I was very hyperactive, and I smiled. I showed emotion (not always the right ones though). When I was 12, I developed schizophrenia and I lost emotion in the process.
When I am severely psychotic (hallucinating constantly, very delusional, aggressive), I show emotion, but that is usually anger, resentment, fear, agitated excitement etc.
However in between exacerbations I experience what I believe are negative symptoms, one of which is a severe lack of emotion.
I talk in a monotone and I don't have any facial expression. I don't get excited, smile or laugh. I don't interact with people face to face unless I have to. I can stay in my bedroom for days.
Is this part of my schizophrenia or my AS?
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.