bizboy1 wrote:
Hey, it happens. sh** sucks but what can we do? And to all the ret*ds saying you can't have both, shut the f**k up already. You clearly do not understand the DSM-IV.
I'm losing touch of reality. It sucks. I'm like a floating dust of consciousness entrapped in this mere human form. I feel as though I don't exist. That the external world isn't real. I feel as though we are in the matrix.
However, it's getting better. The medications are working though I'm afraid of the brain damage they cause. They say schizophrenia causes brain damage but who knows, right?
I have no hallucinations (thank god).
I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time
I have had periods of derealization, too, and what you said is exactly what I thought- I felt like I was in the Matrix. Like nothing is real.
Anyone who says you can't have both Schizophrenia and Asperger's is wrong. Those are two separate conditions!
Have you considered complementary therapies? Those have brought some relief to my sisters. 1-3 grams per day of good quality, fresh fish oil helped, as well as eating/drinking 50-70 grams of protein that is whey protein. The whey protein especially made a difference. It is in most protein powders and some diet shakes, like Atkins shakes, GNC lean shakes, Trader Joe's whey protein powder. I personally hate the powders, but I'd rather choke them down than go without. The pre-mixed shakes are way more palatable.
I don't know if this would help for derealization caused by schizophrenia, but it does help a lot of people with derealization in general- yoga. It helps connect you back to your body and your environment. I think there are lots of free yoga programs online.
I hope you get to feeling better soon. I know how hard both of those conditions are. Hang in there!