With me, the focus of my OCD fears/obsessions may change every so often, but the underlying category of OCD always stays the same. What I mean is that, throughout my entire life, my OCD always has been pure obsessional type, with a focus on scrupulosity. Compulsive confessing has always been my biggest compulsion, but over the years, what I need to confess may change. Also, I used to suffer primarily from sexual, violent, and blasphemous images as my obsessions, but I rarely have those now. I hear short blasphemous phrases now, with no image. As for medication, Anafranil/clomipramine has done wonders for me. Only thing that has ever helped my OCD and my panic attacks. I just wish I had been given it sooner. So many wasted years.
Also, SteelMaiden, Zyprexa and other atypical anti-psychotics wouldn't necessarily help your OCD. The atypicals act partially as serotonin antagonists, and it's hypothesized that there are low serotonin levels in the brains of OCD-ers. There is clearly some link between schizophrenia and OCD, but the details are still fuzzy. Individuals like yourself who have both schizophrenia and OCD often do need to take different meds for each condition. Atypicals usually are only used for OCD-ers who are treatment-resistant and have failed to respond to other more traditional medications. So, if you are seeing an improvement in OCD symptoms on Zoloft and Zyprexa rather than Zyprexa alone, that's very possible.
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?