I have Aspergers too. My interaction experiences has been that people only need me when they want away around something. For example, someone wanted me to find out if someone they knew had a criminal record. That is usually how it goes for people wanting to talk to me. If I try to engage other people I have to mimic what I know others are doing around me. So I will give you an example and I will put parenthesis around what I am really thinking.
Me: How are you? (I don't give ****. If you only knew.)
Other: I am doing great... and you.
Me: (Options: If I say great this conversation will be shorter, if I say know this conversation will continue. I choose option A.)
Just busy with work.
Other: That is good. A lot of people don't have jobs right now, we should feel lucky.
Me: (Luck has nothing to do with it. There is a need for my work, if there is not a need then I want find work.) Yes, you are so right.
Other: I have not seen your parents lately. Are they doing good?
Me: (Say yes conversation will be shorter) Yes they are. No health problems and Dad is still working.
Other: Well, that is wonderful to hear.
Other: Our daughter just got accepted into college.
Me: (D*mn it. I thought I was through with this. Just a little bit longer. Keep your composure. Options: I could say oh really which school or say will that is wonderful, you should be very proud. This could continue the conversation of how proud they are and give me a long a list of which she had to do to get in there or Well, that is great news. Option 3)
Well, that is great news.
Other: Oh, there is Cindy over there, I need to see her for a minute. Good talking with you.
Me: (Finally) and you too.
Analysis: Before my Asperger diagnoses I thought I had something wrong with me. Now I know I am different but not wrong. Think of it as a machine, I am a Ferrari most people are Chevrolets. We (you and me) are not going to be able to understand their lifestyle. So, I have realized that I need to be with people who drive Ferrari's (Aspergers and Autistic type people.) And let me tell you I feel comfortable here and that people understand me and vica versa. I would suggest you keep asking questions here on the forum and know we are our own people and you are not alone. Live long and prosper. 
?Because some men aren?t looking for anything logical, like money. They can?t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.? Alfred Pennyworth