I was abused too, in multiple ways, since a very young age. The worst things about my *undiagnosed* PTSD I've experienced so far that I knew of has been sudden loud noises coming from my abusers like opening and closing doors loudly, sudden shouting, and hearing other disruptive noises by them which are many. It makes my heart jump and I can get emotional, which also can last awhile, because it's hard to be positive quickly after taking such a hit, and so easy to be in a bad place. All due to the unforgettable past. I do feel guilty when I get emotional, especially if it shows. What I didn't notice is, that the massive feeling of guilt for not doing certain things or doing tasks the perfect way, can be a symptom of PTSD as well. I thought I may just be too sensitive, when I otherwise I have a very thick skin, yet I always felt something was "off". I will have to look into that more now. I feel that guilty feeling a lot due to not doing certain tasks or doing them wrong and come to think of it, I feel that way too often for it to be normal.
Don't you mind people grinnin' in your face