EsotericResearch wrote:
Though I haven't really worked with tulpas, I often work with external spirits and egregores. I guess my Holy Guardian Angel (Hermetic term for tutelary spirit) is sort of like a tulpa. I talk to him more than any other entity really.
Before this day I had never heard of tulpas or egregores. This is probably because I'm not so much into Eastern lines of thought, but rather consider myself a Christian. I think my concept of Guardian Angel is close to yours, a tutelary spirit. Like you, I talk to him/her more than anyone else. Sometimes I talk to this spirit through my cat, that is, it would appear to an outside observer that I'm talking to my cat, but it is of course not that I think this spirit is the cat's soul or something. Somehow I also think that this tutelary spirit is common to us both, me and the cat. I admit that this sounds a little complicated, but why should I care what it sounds.
I don't know whether this spirit has a name or not, but it doesn't really matter because s/he is there, ever listening, sometimes nodding understandingly, sometimes almost shaking their head but actually just looking at me, not saying a word but like observing what I'm up to this time.