Puberty vs. Bipolar II/Cyclothymia
I'm FtM-Transgender and I'm takeing Testosterone since over two years now. So hormonally I'm alltogether approx. 5 years in puberty. So right now I'm in the middle of it.
My problem is that I've clearly episodes of depression, but also euphoria. I've a Bipolar II suspicion since a 3/4 year from my psychiatrist, but he is not 100% sure about it. Because he said I've too many stressors right now to be sure. I was there also yesterday and talked to him about it. He said that MAYBE my moodswings are part of my puberty, were moodswings very often occour. So how do I figure out if my moodswings are just puberty related or really bipolar?
Because I would like to know, without waiting approx. 3 years until puberty is over.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
I don't know how to untangle hormones/puberty and potential bipolar in the middle of it. Your doctor's probably right by saying that right now there's no way to tell. Do you have an endocrinologist overseeing the hormones? What do they say?
I was diagnosed Bipolar I in 2008 and started testosterone almost exactly 3 years later in 2011. Since I already had a definite bipolar diagnosis and exhibited definite bipolar symptoms prior to this point, all of my doctors knew to watch for normal puberty mood swings and what might be more exaggerated. Bipolar is not just mood swings. It is (in the case of Bipolar II) hypomania (which is a clear departure from happiness) and depression, which is a whole lot more than "oh, I feel sad". And it's the cycling between these moods. In the diagnostic criteria, the moods need to last a minimum amount of time, I think it's a week or two.
The only time my hormones and bipolar disorder interacted was when my endocrinologist made a big change and cut my testosterone dose in half. I had my first manic episode in years shortly after. It was thought to be because of A) the hormone change affecting my mood, and B) Me not being on the proper meds to deal with sudden changes like that.
Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
Diagnosed Bipolar and Aspergers (questioning the ASD diagnosis).
Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire.
--Abbie Hoffman
Well that all sounds so easy....
But the thing is that reality is sadly very often a bit more complicated.
I've clearly also depressive episodes, but with hypomania I'm not quite sure. For example, I feel great since days and have less sleep. BUT I've also met a girl a view days ago I fell in love with BUT I've already started sleeping less a day before that. So it's not quite easy to tell. The same happened when I had my top surgery. Over a month I was in a great mood with less sleep and couldn't sit still for a moment. But this "eupphoria" could have been also because of the surgery and everything...!
So I dunno...
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
I don't know. I've also been told when it comes down to it that only a psychiatrist can tell what is mania/hypomania and what isn't.
I heard of cyclothymics who have been diagnosed with bipolar in there teenage years, due to the cyclothymic mood swings seeming more chaotic with the teenage hormones. I also come across a lot of teenagers who wonder if they're bipolar, and then you wonder if they're just suffering normal teenage emotions.
From what I've read of your posts on here, I'm able to relate to some of them more than I am to the scary stories of bipolars who sell there house and buy six million mosquito nets. But thats not really proof, and heck, I'm kinda dealing with teenage hormones too. Although it does suck when told that that is the extent of my problems and that it's just normal stuff.
As someone said before, bipolar moods are exagerated. We also seem to be extremley sensitive to med changes, for some reason. One small change and we may have a mood swing.
From what I've read of your posts on here, I'm able to relate to some of them more than I am to the scary stories of bipolars who sell there house and buy six million mosquito nets. But thats not really proof, and heck, I'm kinda dealing with teenage hormones too. Although it does suck when told that that is the extent of my problems and that it's just normal stuff.
As someone said before, bipolar moods are exagerated. We also seem to be extremley sensitive to med changes, for some reason. One small change and we may have a mood swing.
Well lets see...
I've the worry I could be Bipolar since I'm around 15 years of age. I had moodfluctuations and depressions the first time then. Let's say (I hit puberty late). My puberty started with end of 13 years old and be a bit "generous" it continued until beginning of twenty-something.
Now I'm 29 and started with male hormones two years ago. So I'm in puberty again since I'm 27. So I still have a gap between my first and my second puberty and dealt with mood issues all the time, also in this "gap". But this could be also because of depression because of my gender issues and a certain mood disregulation who is common in autistics....!

What do I have what is pointing in the direction of Bipolar:
- Mood disorder issues since I'm 15
- my half brother had schizophrenia (related with bipolar) and I've several family members with different mood disorders
- others noticed my mood issues and my mother believes since years that I'm bipolar
- my mood fluctuations stay very often at least for days or sometimes even weeks and months (months, just depressions)
- when I'm in a "good mood" I score positive on bipolar tests
What is pointing in other directions:
- I'm having 2 puberties nearly right behind each other
- I'm transsexual, reason enough to develope depression during my first puberty
- My mood fluctions could be "normal" emotion disregulation issues, who have many autistics
...... so ..... I dunno ....

"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen