Thelibrarian wrote:
You can't do anything more to raise your IQ than you can to make yourself taller or change the length of your fingers. It doesn't mean you can't study and use what innate intelligence you possess.
Untrue. People do have a level of innate intelligence but they can increase/maximize it through environmental means.
The whole idea of basing your intelligence level on an online IQ test is ridiculous anyway - even properly validated and administered IQ tests can only be used as correlational measures to predict success in certain life areas such as likely academic success or getting a good job. Plus as these relationships are correlational, causation cannot be assumed - for example, experts have argued that IQ tests only really measure an individuals ability to do well in academic testing situations (thus why they are correlated with academic success in school, and job outcomes - as entry to university degrees and thus better jobs is based on academic grades, and thus the ability to do well in academic testing situations). Do IQ tests measure actual intelligence independent from ability to do well in testing situations? As far as I'm aware there is no way to separate the two.
As far as taking IQ tests online goes, it's a complete waste of time as they won't tell you anything useful due to unreliability and lack of proper testing conditions.
Into the dark...