Without details I wouldn't be able to hazard a guess on what you are dealing with, but the wiring problems with ASD often go hand in hand with other neurological or learning disorders such as ADHD. ASD is often linked to other congenital conditions especially cranifacial ones, because face and brain develop in tandem embryologically. Then their are a host of other mental illnesses or personality disorders that seem to have mixed genesis from environmental, neural, and genetic causes that manifest as life goes on, such as clinical depression and social anxiety disorders. Then, of course, the symptoms of many personality disorders overlap with ASD and people usually pick up a few misdiagnoses along the way. For instance, my diagnosis in medical terms would be autism spectrum disorder secondary to Goldenhar syndrome or hemifacial microsomia plus clinical depression. Recent tests by another psychologist indicated AvPD (Avoidant Personality Disorder), which does seem on target. I once picked up a misdiagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder, which has since been shot down. Most people on here seem to have similarly convoluted diagnostic histories.