I'm not expecting a diagnosis or anything of course, I just want to know I have a reasonable cause to pursue this farther... I'm thinking this could better explain some of what I attributed to a possible ASD...
I'm having trouble thinking of many examples suddenly... and I don't want it to get so long so I'm leaving out some stuff
Also, most of my information on OCD has come from this site: http://www.steveseay.com/category/conditions/ocd/ though I also looked over the DSM IV (maybe V, but I think it was IV) diagnosis thing.
I've always been a perfectionist and desire evenness and symmetry. Sometimes I have to do things a certain number of times to feel satisfied... I need to check stuff a lot (or at least go over it in my head which usually doesn't help), such as when the school year starts, I have to check my schedule multiple times on my way to classes for the first week or so (and I can memorize it in a day or two) and then still feel nervous until attendance is taken. Even now I still have to check room numbers or make sure I know the people walking in the room are in my class. I'm always questioning my feelings/actions/motivation/interactions with people. I don't feel confident in what I feel ever. For example, when I was a Christian (still terrified of Hell but I'm more of a deist now) I was never confident I was actually "saved" and prayed a lot, often restarting be sure I was sincere. I'm not sure of anything, which I think is one of the things I hate most about myself. I always analyze body language and what people say hours afterward to make sure I understood stuff right or that I said the right thing... I'm very conscious of eye contact (which is one thing I attributed to ASD before) and sometimes breathing (mostly I'm afraid I'm breathing conspicuously loudly/heavily so that might not count) swallowing or blinking, but not that often for all but eye contact. I'm always worrying about things that most people don't seem to have issues with. I also fairly frequently envision myself violently rampaging, hurting/mutilating people (especially younger children), smashing expensive things (mine or other people's), causing car accidents, etc. It would be so easy to just snap it seems, so sometimes I'm afraid to do things/be around things/say things because of what I might do.
I'm not sure if I'm exaggerating/overreacting/hypochondriac, so I'd like input from people here, if you don't mind the long post.