Well, I have a number of irritating movements that I don't quite understand. One of them from when I was younger that was really irritating was at many times I had the intense urge to curl my bottom lip in a strange way. I had that one for years, and then it stopped and came back in intervals. I still have that one right now. For the past few years, I now have one in which my eyes widen and return to normal in a non rhythmic way, and other people often notice that one, and it's scary and a little bit funny, but I hate it. Another one that I had maybe a year ago was one where I'd stretch the corners of my mouth downward all strangely. A lot of times, I have to blink my eyelids A LOT, not just a regular blink, but a tight blink.
All of these are very intense urges that I CAN stop, but it's hard to, like a sneeze or cough. I can feel the urge there, and it's irritating.
If I really had tourettes, do you think that my family and I would know about it by now, or is it a little bit common to be thinking about it just now at 13?
I didn't know what tourettes was before. I thought that it was something completely uncontrollable, but then I read that others describe the urge the same way that I do.
Is this true? Is the way I'm describing it actually like tourettes? What do you think that I should do?
aspie score: 166 out of 200
officially diagnosed in 2013
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.