blueroses wrote:
Been there. I'm glad you are starting to feel better, but just wanted to say that there are plenty of people here who are ready and willing to listen, the next time you find yourself in a time of need. I know it's not the same as in-person support, but it's at least something.
Thanks. The trouble with me is that I just keep going and going until I break down. I don't even notice it until it's right on top of me. Plus I always feel as though I'm burdening people, because everyone has their own s**t to deal with.
I do feel a lot better now though. I think some of it was trouble at work, but luckily my manager noticed me withdrawing and has put me in a new team with a really attentive team leader. My work has improved 100% now, and I am a lot happier.
I was very close to the edge at the beginning of this week, but as the week has gone on I have got a lot better.
Thanks to everyone for all you help anyway.
We have existence