The feeling that you have needs attention and, trust me, what you think is attanding to you, doesn't care.
I saw black helicopters, only they were real, no the kinds in the black op movies, but they were supposed to be there because I was in the right time and the right place. I woke up once to to the loud thrash of the blades and the spotlight coming in the barrecks windows, just an ass hole pilot giving us a "wake up". and it wasn't black. But the black ops s**t, I was Air Defense, in other words I was suspposed to know all the Nato s**t and the east block stuff and one day I heard a strange sound, looked up and did not know what helicopter it was and it was black, with a gold lightening band around the middle of it, no other markings. They are real, but they don't fly where you live and the others are looking for speeders, for all you should care.
This was the same time I was going through a Bipolar breakdown, for lack of better words, it came on, like really hard for the first time. Right age for it, I had all the signs prior, just a really bad place to have such a thing and it wasn't all that well understood, back then. I could give you a bunch of other things that seemed all to real back then, just know I was 21 at the time and ripe for it. But that was me and what was happening to me, was mine.
Been there. Find someone you trust and do it now and I know that is no small thing. I tried hard to keep it a secret, it didn't work well for the future.
Pay no attention to this sig, I just did it and thought it funny at the time. I do not now, Talk to me dude.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.