I have always had moods that were 100% that mood, and they were extremely whatever mood. I am always either extremely happy, extremely sad or down, extremely angry, or extremely indifferent or blank. I've had mood swings since I was maybe.... always. For the past year, I've been going through strange times in which it is as if my disposition itself is really upset and down and just horrible, and really hyper and happy. That actually happened a little bit when I was younger, but it was really mostly just hyper and then nothing, because I have ADHD. There are other times in which I am hyper and happy and whatnot. I have mood swings daily, and they are often extreme, but they are sometimes not extreme. The entire disposition change happens maybe every few weeks. It isn't always the same.
I really feel unstable and not able to control something that I want to, because I just can't concentrate even MORE when I just keep changing this way. When I feel down, I really want to be isolated and not do anything, but when I can't, I just feel worse and like it will never end. When I feel extremely happy or sad as a disposition, I am not happy or sad ABOUT anything; I just feel that way. It's good when it's happy, but when I feel so bad, and I don't know why, it just makes it worse, because I just feel like that, and it's just horrible, and I don't know what to do.
My friend at school notices it when I seem "tired" when I feel, I guess, depressed.
The worst part is, I don't know why it happens, and I can physically feel it in me as a strange pressure, and it feels bad.
I go to my counselor once a month. Should I tell her? I don't even know how to explain it all.
aspie score: 166 out of 200
officially diagnosed in 2013
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.