Tahitiii wrote:
Ok, how about we try this. What do you like? For example, what's your favorite movie or music or book? What's the best season of the year? Favorite Dinner? Do you have a pet? What can make you smile?
Book and movie- For books, maybe HP, don't know. Movies, HP and Narnia.
Season- Don't know, there's something bad about all of them. Not even summer; I'll probably be spending the next summer facing my driving phobia and dreading the start of marching band season.
Dinner- Since I'm a picky eater and can eat few things without gagging, flapping my arms, or grimacing, I eat pasta with butter and ridiculous amount of cheese nearly every night.
Pets- I have two black cats whom I love.
Smile- My cats. Sometimes I smile at inappropriate times and when I really don't want to, but that doesn't really count...