Many diagnosis
I have been diagnosed with Asperger's, OCD, ADHD, general anxiety disorder, social phobia, Bipolar I, eating disorder unspecified and PTSD.
How is that even possible ?
I mean..isn't anxiety and social phobia/awkwardness like a big part of being autistic ? I don't think I have typical social phobia, mine is based more on fear of types of people, not all people, and fear of some situations not all. I can be very shy in some social situations and not shy at all in other. Depends on what is going on around me. And then I can isolate myself for many days due to depression but isn't depression also something AS people deal with ?
And the OCD..what is OCD and what is AS ? What about myeating disorder..isn't some of the traits similar to picky eating and maybe other traits in AS ? I mean, I do have issues with how I see my body and I have been obsessed over my weight and my fat even if I was very thin, but I also hate eating because of texture and how food tastes, smells and also because how difficult I think cooking is and preparing dinner and meals. I just think it's to complicated. I just stare in the fridge and freeze myself.
How can I know what is my AS and what is everything else ?
Depends "why" you got the Dx. The therapist I did most of my autism work with refused to give me "soup". Basically said Autism and PTSD is the reason for pretty much all my issues. The PNP I see for meds Dx-ed me with a bunch of different things so I could get meds. Seriously... it was just so our for-profit medical system would actually help me. So yeah... now I have a laundry list of diagnosis that I don't actually need just so I can get the medication I need. Most GOOD therapist I know won't officially diagnosis you anymore than they have to. My current therapist literally just files my sessions under "adjustment disorder" and she agrees if I get an actual Disassociate Identity Disorder Dx it'll actually hurt me more than help. So I get DID therapy under an adjustment disorder.
There is absolutely NO reason to Dx someone unless it's specifically to get care in someway.
If you don't like what this person is doing find a new one. You do NOT have to stay with the same person, YOU have a CHOICE. I suggest seeking out an autism specialist. Searching and researching them on google and read reviews would me my suggestion. Find someone new you think you can connect with, therapy is USELESS if you don't connect with your therapist. Just my two cents, you do you though.
Dx: ASD(Type 2), ADHD, PTSD(severe), Histrionic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Gender Dysphoria.
Maybe for some, but not for all. Some autistic people aren't socially aware enough to have social phobia.
What I understand about OCD is that people who have it don't enjoy doing their compulsive activities. Autistic people seem to enjoy their obsessive interests most of the time.
If you haven't already, you should look up these diagnoses and ask whoever diagnosed/is treating you to explain.
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