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18 Jul 2014, 11:38 am

Have you noticed sometimes how some teenagers who are quiet, shy and well behaved in school turn into sociopathic monsters when they turn into adults?

Do you agree that the age range of 18 and onwards is a time in your life when young people are particurley vulnerable to developing personality disorders? Of course though personality disorders often stop once you get past your 30s.

My dad made an interesting comment once as well "I knew some lovely who turned into very nasty adults.


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18 Jul 2014, 12:05 pm

Jamesy wrote:
Of course though personality disorders often stop once you get past your 30s.

Where did you get this information?

These disorders typically aren't diagnosed until an individual is a young adult, often not until their 20's or even 30's...Personality disorders tend to be an intergral part of a person, and therefore, are difficult to treat or "cure."


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18 Jul 2014, 2:20 pm

Well usually adolescence to young adulthood is when personality disorders actually develop....but usually there are factors that effected them growing up that lead to the personality disorder. Also though having a personality disorder is not the same thing as turning into a sociopathic monster, there are lots of different personality disorders and its mostly anti-social personality disorder that is associated with aggressive sort of behavior, then there is avoidant personality disorder where the person avoids a lot of things due to anxiety/insecurity feelings so it is kind of complex.

Also personality disorders do not stop once you get past your 30's they are usually more life-long, however people with them can sometimes get help with it and it can become less problematic for them....but that varies on individuals.

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