Sweetleaf wrote:
I am not usually afraid of moths, but the other day I swear one was trying to chase me and it freaked me out....not sure why. But I actually ate a couple once after I had been drinking they where flying around annoying me so I said something like 'alright next one that comes by me, I'm eating' and of course some smart a** was like 'I bet you wont actually eat it.' So I grabbed the next one that flew by and ate it, then while they where still shocked that I actually did it I grabbed another one and did the same thing.
Moths don't bother me. To me they are like nocturnal and usually not as pretty butterflies, except for unusual breeds most people wouldn't get in their yard, some of them are pretty.
My cats like to eat bugs. We used to get little moths in the house from the hamster food and one of my cats would catch them and eat them. If any bug gets in the house and they see it they get excited and go after it so I rarely see bugs in my house. If it was a big month I'd probably catch it and let it go outside.
I'm scared of bees and spiders. With spiders I'm even more scared of the webs than the spiders but I don't like either one. The thought of touching a spider web bothers me a lot and this is something I've never seen anyone else say they had a problem with but I don't like the way they sound. If I use something to tear down a spider web sometimes I can hear it ripping.