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08 Jun 2014, 5:17 pm

I am doubly a shame because I'm a man I'm 28 years old

Sometime in the past I was afraid more, now a little less, but I still feel this irrational fear, but now it is more irritation than fear, but i still fear of them.

Sometimes I like to be very upset, I take Fly Swatter when hunting for these disgusting moths often call them sluts and b*****s, "f**k out of my house" even though I know it's stupid :D

I would like to know if any of you feel the fear of moths, or at least some insects, and if so, which one.

Last edited by pawelk1986 on 09 Jun 2014, 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Jun 2014, 5:23 pm

I'm afraid of snails and slugs. So far, it hasn't caused any problems, since I'm not required to go near any of them.

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08 Jun 2014, 7:34 pm

I'm afraid of bees. :oops: you don't wanna be in a car with me and a bee, take it from me.


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08 Jun 2014, 7:52 pm

Get a badminton racquet.

A pet Gecko will provide you with hours of endless entertainment too.

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08 Jun 2014, 9:23 pm

I'm afraid of the dark, and monsters that don't exist except in movies. But I'm still afraid, like they are out there in the night. I don't get it...

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08 Jun 2014, 9:25 pm

I am not usually afraid of moths, but the other day I swear one was trying to chase me and it freaked me out....not sure why. But I actually ate a couple once after I had been drinking they where flying around annoying me so I said something like 'alright next one that comes by me, I'm eating' and of course some smart a** was like 'I bet you wont actually eat it.' So I grabbed the next one that flew by and ate it, then while they where still shocked that I actually did it I grabbed another one and did the same thing.

I am however afraid of daddy long legs or whatever their technical name is, and today I saw one eating a rolly or whatever their technical names are but the ones that roll up into little balls when threatened. I am also afraid of creepy looking centipedes, some spiders (though I like some spiders like the furry jumping spiders) weird things with long legs, I sleep with an adjustable lamp on a bit because I can get a bit freaked out in the complete dark....and I find the thought of internal parasites scary but I don't see who wouldn't.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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16 Jun 2014, 4:22 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
I am not usually afraid of moths, but the other day I swear one was trying to chase me and it freaked me out....not sure why. But I actually ate a couple once after I had been drinking they where flying around annoying me so I said something like 'alright next one that comes by me, I'm eating' and of course some smart a** was like 'I bet you wont actually eat it.' So I grabbed the next one that flew by and ate it, then while they where still shocked that I actually did it I grabbed another one and did the same thing.

I am however afraid of daddy long legs or whatever their technical name is, and today I saw one eating a rolly or whatever their technical names are but the ones that roll up into little balls when threatened. I am also afraid of creepy looking centipedes, some spiders (though I like some spiders like the furry jumping spiders) weird things with long legs, I sleep with an adjustable lamp on a bit because I can get a bit freaked out in the complete dark....and I find the thought of internal parasites scary but I don't see who wouldn't.

I hate moths, they freak me out. for some reason I'm really scared of actually eating them so reading about you eating them freaked me out :oops: I don't even like killing them because they turn into dust and I'm paranoid that they'll get on me or in my mouth, shudder :x


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16 Jun 2014, 5:52 pm

I'am afraid of Mothman.

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16 Jun 2014, 10:55 pm

I'm afraid of moths too bur not just moths though...Insects as well (dangerous insects)
I always avoid them...


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17 Jun 2014, 12:39 am

Nambo wrote:
I'am afraid of Mothman.

I wonder why they call it that, I figured they could have come up with a more threatening name....that is if you're referring to what I'm thinking of.

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04 Jul 2014, 8:45 am

I am absolutely TERRIFIED of moths, as well as butterflies! Something about their disposition is extremely disturbing to me. Whenever one is near me, I go into hyper-panic mode. You are not alone in your fear!

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04 Jul 2014, 10:54 am

I'm afraid of insects of any kind, and even moths and butterflies make me uneasy. I have taught my boys (13 and 10) that their job is to kill insects for me and keep them away from me. Severe punishment (well, relatively speaking - I'm a pushover) if they try to tease me with a bug.


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04 Jul 2014, 7:00 pm

what is there to be ashamed about?
people have phobias of everything,its not for anyone else to judge.

mum is in her sixties and has a very severe phobia of moths,she goes absolute mental around them,also had a support staff once who was even worse,she woud get one of us to go in a room and rescue a moth whilst screaming and jumping around.
phobias are real fear,however funny sounding a phobia is its real fear and people shoud remember that.

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06 Jul 2014, 8:13 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
I am not usually afraid of moths, but the other day I swear one was trying to chase me and it freaked me out....not sure why. But I actually ate a couple once after I had been drinking they where flying around annoying me so I said something like 'alright next one that comes by me, I'm eating' and of course some smart a** was like 'I bet you wont actually eat it.' So I grabbed the next one that flew by and ate it, then while they where still shocked that I actually did it I grabbed another one and did the same thing.

Moths don't bother me. To me they are like nocturnal and usually not as pretty butterflies, except for unusual breeds most people wouldn't get in their yard, some of them are pretty.

My cats like to eat bugs. We used to get little moths in the house from the hamster food and one of my cats would catch them and eat them. If any bug gets in the house and they see it they get excited and go after it so I rarely see bugs in my house. If it was a big month I'd probably catch it and let it go outside.

I'm scared of bees and spiders. With spiders I'm even more scared of the webs than the spiders but I don't like either one. The thought of touching a spider web bothers me a lot and this is something I've never seen anyone else say they had a problem with but I don't like the way they sound. If I use something to tear down a spider web sometimes I can hear it ripping.


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07 Jul 2014, 8:48 pm

My daughter is afraid of worms,even earthworms,the most harmless of all creatures.
I was afraid of some bugs when I was a kid.Not anymore,most are really cool when you get over the fear of them.
I think some moths are beautiful,we have Luna moths here.There is a also a big one that visits flowers at night,it looks like a hummingbird.
Cedar and lavender repel the ones that eat woolens,I suppose if you had enough of that in a house it would keep them out.
Some bugs are annoying,ones that bite,sting,and eat the vegetables.

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