kraftiekortie wrote:
I'm sorry, Sweetie. I could understand the frustration.
Do you have access to a speech therapist? Do you have access to an AAC (augmentative and alternative communication device), where you could type out what you're "saying," and show it to a person--better than writing it out with a pen.
I'm also wondering if you have some kind of apraxia which could be treated by a speech pathologist/speech therapist.
Sometimes, you THINK you don't have any thoughts. When actually you do. I'm wondering if there are painful thoughts that you don't want to think about.
I don't go to any speech therapist and I don't have an AAC. I don't know if I have any kind of apraxia, at least I'm not diagnosed with it. Ok, you're right

, I may think I don't have any thoughts. I can't think of any painful thoughts that I don't want to think about.