MindBlind wrote:
There's a surprisingly little amount of stuff about anhedonia or inability to feel pleasure when discussing depression. I've heard vague stuff about how we are supposed to push ourselves to do a little bit more every day, but I think that is more to do with a lack of motivation (which I guess is related to anhedonia, but not strictly related in my experience). If you don't enjoy anything and everything is just a chore, what are you supposed to do? Just push yourself until the feeling passes? I know people say you should use positive thinking or mindfulness but what if that is too much to do?
i have never experienced euphoria or elation. i have not the capacity to feel any more than comfortable complacency at my "happiest".
i have never experienced emotional agony or dysphoria either. i am emotionally flat, and my moods vary little.
at my lowest ebb of mood, i am impatient and frustrated at obstacles, but that is as far as it goes. once an obstacle has been removed, i return to equilibrium without looking back.
i do not look forward to anything because i never imagine things that i would like to happen in the future. i am happy sitting in the instant and just doing whatever takes my attention at the moment.
i never wake up in the morning and think about what i did the day before because it does not interest me. i can not feel proud of things i did yesterday because i do not care today about yesterday.
i would not care much if my entire history of actions was wiped out and i started from scratch tomorrow (still owning my house and stuff although).
i am aware that many people who have anhedonia also have depression and dysphoria because one does not rule the other out. in my case, i have little brain capacity for richness of emotion and so i experience no pole of happiness.
sometimes i think i am lucky because i see some of my friends agonising over things i would find irrelevant if they were happening to me, and i sometimes think they are wasting energy when they are so happy about things that likewise i find irrelevant.
all things to me are just products of the present moment, and to carry a notion of what is happening now into the future or past is futile for me.