I have Aspergers, OCD and anxiety, I think I am bipolar too?
I may have undiagnosed aspergers, but I am 100% sure that I am bipolar, OCD, and anxiety.
I get really bad mood swings that not even medication or illegal drugs can control. One moment I am on top of the world, the next moment even the littlest thing can make me fall to the bottom of the world. Plus the aspergers makes it hard to tell other people how I feel about said mood swings since most of them are introverted thoughts. The OCD makes it hard for me to talk to someone when one little thing about them may bug me. And the anxiety is just hurtful in every way.
You're not alone. s**t's tough, but I believe in human resilience and the ability to overcome all odds.
Sadly having a lot of psychiatric comorbicities is more common with Aspergers, than just having Aspergers.
Actually many psychiatric disorders go along with many psychiatric comorbidities.
I have:
dyslexia (as a child), Gender Dysphoria, ADHD with autistic tendencies and propably Schizoaffective or Schizotypal PD + Bipolar.
I deffinetly have: dyslexia (as a child), Gender Dysphoria, ADHD with autistic tendencies and depression. The Bipolar/Schizoaffective is under suspicion right now. It's also normal that it takes years to sort our the right diagnostic combination.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
Actually many psychiatric disorders go along with many psychiatric comorbidities.
I have Aspergers, Tourette's Syndrome, OCD, ADHD, possibly dyslexia. You can be littered with comorbidities. Severe Tourettes is no fun, but severe autism is

Shedding your shell can be hard.
Diagnosed Level 1 autism, Tourettes + ADHD + OCD age 9, recovering Borderline personality disorder (age 16)
I've read several books on AS where this topic is discussed and it they agree that most people have a mixture of anxiety, dyslexia, OCD, ADHD/ADD and bipolar disease where Tourettes also is common.
I myself have random anxiety attacks, AS, OCD, hyperlexia, is bipolar and have Tourettes. (All but the AS itself are undiagnosed.) Otherwise I live a fairly normal and happy life. The only thing causing any real harm is the bipolar disease. I don't cut myself or anything, but at the lows I am so depressed and feel like crying all the time till the low is over wich comes in periods between a year and a week.
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
One bad one was when it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend and he planned a really romantic night for me, candles, flowers, dinner, massages. I was really in the mood but all of a sudden I changed, I was acting extremely silly and everything was funny, I couldn't stop laughing for no reason, I didn't want this to happen, I felt so guilty after... Even when we were starting to "get busy" and he was doing me a favour, I just laughed, I laughed to the point I was in tears.
My episodes last an hour to 1-2 days, they are short, if I have bipolar I think it's rapid cycling. My mother has bipolar too so that adds to the probability.
I had a mixed episode where I was laughing and crying, I switched between the 2 every 10 minutes for about 2 hours for no reason, it happened after watching tv.
I am fine most of the time but then sometimes I will just get a depressive mood and I get suicidal (I don't self harm anymore I stopped that a year and a half ago).
I am not depressed because I am extremely optimistic most of the time.
When I get angry it feels as though I am out of control, but I am the most easy going and peaceful person anyone could meet, but I want to hurt people when I get angry.
I have most of the symptoms of the highs and lows of bipolar however I don't spend money, but I don't have a lot of money to spend I'm at school and don't work.
The manic episode feels like I am invincible, so happy, like I can do anything, I act so stupid and say things I wouldn't normally say.

Joined: 4 May 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 27,803
Location: was Louisiana but now Vermont in capitalistic military dictatorship called USA
I have Aspergers & anxiety & OCD issues along with other things. The anxiety & OCD is alot better nowadays because I leanred/grew & did abit of research on meds & am taking two that help. I'm not bipolar but I went through a period after my 1st girlfriend & I broke up where I was suffering from a psychotic depression.. My GP thought I was bipolar & I did too but when I saw a psych she changed my diagnoses to Borderline Personality Disorder which is similar to bipolar in some ways but moods fluctuate fast instead of being in the same mood for while. I spent the next 5 years seeing psychs & taking meds & kept having problems till I quit everything. I doubt I would be diagnosed with Borderline Personality now thou my moods can still fluctuate some
"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
"Hear all, trust nothing"
https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ru ... cquisition
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
One bad one was when it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend and he planned a really romantic night for me, candles, flowers, dinner, massages. I was really in the mood but all of a sudden I changed, I was acting extremely silly and everything was funny, I couldn't stop laughing for no reason, I didn't want this to happen, I felt so guilty after... Even when we were starting to "get busy" and he was doing me a favour, I just laughed, I laughed to the point I was in tears.
My episodes last an hour to 1-2 days, they are short, if I have bipolar I think it's rapid cycling. My mother has bipolar too so that adds to the probability.
I had a mixed episode where I was laughing and crying, I switched between the 2 every 10 minutes for about 2 hours for no reason, it happened after watching tv.
I am fine most of the time but then sometimes I will just get a depressive mood and I get suicidal (I don't self harm anymore I stopped that a year and a half ago).
I am not depressed because I am extremely optimistic most of the time.
When I get angry it feels as though I am out of control, but I am the most easy going and peaceful person anyone could meet, but I want to hurt people when I get angry.
I have most of the symptoms of the highs and lows of bipolar however I don't spend money, but I don't have a lot of money to spend I'm at school and don't work.
The manic episode feels like I am invincible, so happy, like I can do anything, I act so stupid and say things I wouldn't normally say.
Nothing in this post seems to be clearly manic, but I'm not a doctor and I go strictly by what I understand is in the DSM. Perhaps more important for determining whether any of this is manic or not is to get the opinion of people that know you and see you during that time. Typically, when you go manic, they'll see a major change and mania will often look like you're on drugs or something.
Also, the rapid cycling you're talking about, it seems like you're actually talking about ultradian rapid cycling, which is controversial among doctors. Some doctors will say you have bipolar disorder based on that, but the doctors that stray less from the DSM won't, as I understand. Rapid cycling is actually something different from where you're talking about: It's where you have 4 or more full mood episodes, that meet the DSM criteria for mood episodes, in a single year. Basically, mania and mixed states last at least 7 days, hypomania lasts at least 4 days, and major depression lasts at least 14 days.
I can't tell you what the doctor is going to say, because it depends on the doctor's views on the bipolar spectrum.
EDIT: Come again, I'm not sure if any doctor would consider brief periods of silliness or crying as bipolar disorder. Maybe the feelings of invincibility and stuff, but there's more to it than that I would expect.
I have autism, schizoaffective disorder, GAD and I don't remember what else. Right now I am having extreme problems with memory. I mean I don't know where I am at most of the time badly dissociating dont remember anything extremely annoying trouble understanding others can't comprehend somehow can spell though trouble reading i see different words feels like oxygen isn't entering my brain but tested it and it was normal but heart rate high. floating floating. what planet. went to the hospital earlier this year for 2 weeks for psychotic break with mania.
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
One bad one was when it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend and he planned a really romantic night for me, candles, flowers, dinner, massages. I was really in the mood but all of a sudden I changed, I was acting extremely silly and everything was funny, I couldn't stop laughing for no reason, I didn't want this to happen, I felt so guilty after... Even when we were starting to "get busy" and he was doing me a favour, I just laughed, I laughed to the point I was in tears.
My episodes last an hour to 1-2 days, they are short, if I have bipolar I think it's rapid cycling. My mother has bipolar too so that adds to the probability.
I had a mixed episode where I was laughing and crying, I switched between the 2 every 10 minutes for about 2 hours for no reason, it happened after watching tv.
I am fine most of the time but then sometimes I will just get a depressive mood and I get suicidal (I don't self harm anymore I stopped that a year and a half ago).
I am not depressed because I am extremely optimistic most of the time.
When I get angry it feels as though I am out of control, but I am the most easy going and peaceful person anyone could meet, but I want to hurt people when I get angry.
I have most of the symptoms of the highs and lows of bipolar however I don't spend money, but I don't have a lot of money to spend I'm at school and don't work.
The manic episode feels like I am invincible, so happy, like I can do anything, I act so stupid and say things I wouldn't normally say.
For me it sounds more like moodinstability. Not all moodswings are necesserely Bipolar and problems regulating emotions is a common problem in ASD. If a person with problems regulating emotions also has a lot of stress of example this can leed to severe up and down without necesserely having bipolar.
I would go to an expert that she/he looks into it and finds out the reason for you mood, but your post didn't sounded much Bipolar to me. Just a personal impression.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
I have Asperger's, generalized anxiety D/O, OCD, PTSD, major depressive D/O, and avoident personality D/O. The doctor who diagnosed me said I am borderline ADHD. I am looking for a therapist to see here in the city I live in. I have been wondering about bipolar. I have a cousin who is bipolar (type 1). A lot of the symptoms of the disorders overlap so much that I think it must be hard to differentiate them sometimes.
?To be yourself in a world that is
constantly trying to make you
something else is the greatest
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
One bad one was when it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend and he planned a really romantic night for me, candles, flowers, dinner, massages. I was really in the mood but all of a sudden I changed, I was acting extremely silly and everything was funny, I couldn't stop laughing for no reason, I didn't want this to happen, I felt so guilty after... Even when we were starting to "get busy" and he was doing me a favour, I just laughed, I laughed to the point I was in tears.
My episodes last an hour to 1-2 days, they are short, if I have bipolar I think it's rapid cycling. My mother has bipolar too so that adds to the probability.
I had a mixed episode where I was laughing and crying, I switched between the 2 every 10 minutes for about 2 hours for no reason, it happened after watching tv.
I am fine most of the time but then sometimes I will just get a depressive mood and I get suicidal (I don't self harm anymore I stopped that a year and a half ago).
I am not depressed because I am extremely optimistic most of the time.
When I get angry it feels as though I am out of control, but I am the most easy going and peaceful person anyone could meet, but I want to hurt people when I get angry.
I have most of the symptoms of the highs and lows of bipolar however I don't spend money, but I don't have a lot of money to spend I'm at school and don't work.
The manic episode feels like I am invincible, so happy, like I can do anything, I act so stupid and say things I wouldn't normally say.
For me it sounds more like moodinstability. Not all moodswings are necesserely Bipolar and problems regulating emotions is a common problem in ASD. If a person with problems regulating emotions also has a lot of stress of example this can leed to severe up and down without necesserely having bipolar.
I would go to an expert that she/he looks into it and finds out the reason for you mood, but your post didn't sounded much Bipolar to me. Just a personal impression.
Perhaps, but there is a high chance I do have it as my parent has it and my symptoms are just like hers. I believe Bipolar does not fully develop until you are older, an adult, I am 17, teenagers don't usually have the disorder full on, they only display the starting of it and it escalates as they get older. I score high on any Bipolar tests or symptoms tests, I just do not experience it for long periods of time... yet, there is a high chance I will in the future, just like my mum. I couldn't be bothered typing much so I only said a couple of small things.
This is how I feel:
Feeling unusually “high” and optimistic OR extremely irritable
◾ Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs about one’s abilities or powers
◾ Sleeping very little, but feeling extremely energetic
◾ Talking so rapidly that others can’t keep up
◾ Racing thoughts; jumping quickly from one idea to the next
◾ Highly distractible, unable to concentrate
◾ Impaired judgment and impulsiveness
◾ Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences
◾Feeling hopeless, sad, or empty.
◾ Irritability
◾ Inability to experience pleasure
◾ Fatigue or loss of energy
◾ Physical and mental sluggishness
◾ Appetite or weight changes
◾ Sleep problems
◾ Concentration and memory problems
◾ Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
◾ Thoughts of death or suicide
I experience almost all of the symptoms and my parent has it, if you research not many children/teens who are developing the disorder have longer episodes.
I don't have hallucinations or spend money. I have had depressive episodes that have lasted a week and I have had higher than usual states that have lasted a few days.
There is a chance it could be something else. Like I said I am getting assessed by a professional not you guys who don't know me, I just wanted to know what I asked.
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
One bad one was when it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend and he planned a really romantic night for me, candles, flowers, dinner, massages. I was really in the mood but all of a sudden I changed, I was acting extremely silly and everything was funny, I couldn't stop laughing for no reason, I didn't want this to happen, I felt so guilty after... Even when we were starting to "get busy" and he was doing me a favour, I just laughed, I laughed to the point I was in tears.
My episodes last an hour to 1-2 days, they are short, if I have bipolar I think it's rapid cycling. My mother has bipolar too so that adds to the probability.
I had a mixed episode where I was laughing and crying, I switched between the 2 every 10 minutes for about 2 hours for no reason, it happened after watching tv.
I am fine most of the time but then sometimes I will just get a depressive mood and I get suicidal (I don't self harm anymore I stopped that a year and a half ago).
I am not depressed because I am extremely optimistic most of the time.
When I get angry it feels as though I am out of control, but I am the most easy going and peaceful person anyone could meet, but I want to hurt people when I get angry.
I have most of the symptoms of the highs and lows of bipolar however I don't spend money, but I don't have a lot of money to spend I'm at school and don't work.
The manic episode feels like I am invincible, so happy, like I can do anything, I act so stupid and say things I wouldn't normally say.
Nothing in this post seems to be clearly manic, but I'm not a doctor and I go strictly by what I understand is in the DSM. Perhaps more important for determining whether any of this is manic or not is to get the opinion of people that know you and see you during that time. Typically, when you go manic, they'll see a major change and mania will often look like you're on drugs or something.
Also, the rapid cycling you're talking about, it seems like you're actually talking about ultradian rapid cycling, which is controversial among doctors. Some doctors will say you have bipolar disorder based on that, but the doctors that stray less from the DSM won't, as I understand. Rapid cycling is actually something different from where you're talking about: It's where you have 4 or more full mood episodes, that meet the DSM criteria for mood episodes, in a single year. Basically, mania and mixed states last at least 7 days, hypomania lasts at least 4 days, and major depression lasts at least 14 days.
I can't tell you what the doctor is going to say, because it depends on the doctor's views on the bipolar spectrum.
EDIT: Come again, I'm not sure if any doctor would consider brief periods of silliness or crying as bipolar disorder. Maybe the feelings of invincibility and stuff, but there's more to it than that I would expect.
I didn't ask for your opinion on my case.
YES people do think I am on drugs when I am in a high mood.
My mother has it and knows what it's like, I have seen her go through it.
She sees it in me and my symptoms match hers.
I told you 2 seconds of my life and you presume to know me?
"any doctor would consider brief periods of silliness or crying as bipolar disorder".................. Well when I get a depressive episode I want to kill myself and recently I attempted to starve myself to death. The uncontrollable laughing isn't the only thing, I didn't want to share anything else but here is all the symptoms I get when I am in a high mood:
Feeling extremely euphoric (‘high’) or energetic
Going without sleep
Thinking and speaking quickly
Delusions of importance
Reckless behaviour
Unsafe sexual activity
Grandiose, unrealistic plans.
I didn't want a diagnosis from a stranger. I wanted to know other people's experiences.
Also it doesn't usually develop until you are an adult/older, but you can start displaying symptoms when you are a child/teen, I wanted to catch it early if I do have it so I can help it when I'm older.
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
One bad one was when it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend and he planned a really romantic night for me, candles, flowers, dinner, massages. I was really in the mood but all of a sudden I changed, I was acting extremely silly and everything was funny, I couldn't stop laughing for no reason, I didn't want this to happen, I felt so guilty after... Even when we were starting to "get busy" and he was doing me a favour, I just laughed, I laughed to the point I was in tears.
My episodes last an hour to 1-2 days, they are short, if I have bipolar I think it's rapid cycling. My mother has bipolar too so that adds to the probability.
I had a mixed episode where I was laughing and crying, I switched between the 2 every 10 minutes for about 2 hours for no reason, it happened after watching tv.
I am fine most of the time but then sometimes I will just get a depressive mood and I get suicidal (I don't self harm anymore I stopped that a year and a half ago).
I am not depressed because I am extremely optimistic most of the time.
When I get angry it feels as though I am out of control, but I am the most easy going and peaceful person anyone could meet, but I want to hurt people when I get angry.
I have most of the symptoms of the highs and lows of bipolar however I don't spend money, but I don't have a lot of money to spend I'm at school and don't work.
The manic episode feels like I am invincible, so happy, like I can do anything, I act so stupid and say things I wouldn't normally say.
For me it sounds more like moodinstability. Not all moodswings are necesserely Bipolar and problems regulating emotions is a common problem in ASD. If a person with problems regulating emotions also has a lot of stress of example this can leed to severe up and down without necesserely having bipolar.
I would go to an expert that she/he looks into it and finds out the reason for you mood, but your post didn't sounded much Bipolar to me. Just a personal impression.
Perhaps, but there is a high chance I do have it as my parent has it and my symptoms are just like hers. I believe Bipolar does not fully develop until you are older, an adult, I am 17, teenagers don't usually have the disorder full on, they only display the starting of it and it escalates as they get older. I score high on any Bipolar tests or symptoms tests, I just do not experience it for long periods of time... yet, there is a high chance I will in the future, just like my mum. I couldn't be bothered typing much so I only said a couple of small things.
This is how I feel:
Feeling unusually “high” and optimistic OR extremely irritable
◾ Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs about one’s abilities or powers
◾ Sleeping very little, but feeling extremely energetic
◾ Talking so rapidly that others can’t keep up
◾ Racing thoughts; jumping quickly from one idea to the next
◾ Highly distractible, unable to concentrate
◾ Impaired judgment and impulsiveness
◾ Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences
◾Feeling hopeless, sad, or empty.
◾ Irritability
◾ Inability to experience pleasure
◾ Fatigue or loss of energy
◾ Physical and mental sluggishness
◾ Appetite or weight changes
◾ Sleep problems
◾ Concentration and memory problems
◾ Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
◾ Thoughts of death or suicide
I experience almost all of the symptoms and my parent has it, if you research not many children/teens who are developing the disorder have longer episodes.
I don't have hallucinations or spend money. I have had depressive episodes that have lasted a week and I have had higher than usual states that have lasted a few days.
There is a chance it could be something else. Like I said I am getting assessed by a professional not you guys who don't know me, I just wanted to know what I asked.
I agree, when your mom has Bipolar and already sees symptoms in you than you are at very high risk developing Bipolar.

Is your mom Bipolar I or Bipolar II?
I know how it is to find out a new diagnosis about yourself, I jost got dx with ADD this week actually. My psychiatrist also has a Bipolar suspicion about me, but it's still not clear. Especially Bipolar II is hard to dx. My moodsymptoms could also be recurent depression and other stressors in addition. It's not easy to figur out what's going on sometimes, especially because there are now 100% reliable tests in psychiatry and the methods we use today are very subjective.

"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
Does anyone have Aspergers/Autism and Bipolar?
If so how does this affect you?
My mood swings are bad and I have depressive and manic episodes ( I am going to be assessed soon)
Tell me about your manic episodes.
One bad one was when it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend and he planned a really romantic night for me, candles, flowers, dinner, massages. I was really in the mood but all of a sudden I changed, I was acting extremely silly and everything was funny, I couldn't stop laughing for no reason, I didn't want this to happen, I felt so guilty after... Even when we were starting to "get busy" and he was doing me a favour, I just laughed, I laughed to the point I was in tears.
My episodes last an hour to 1-2 days, they are short, if I have bipolar I think it's rapid cycling. My mother has bipolar too so that adds to the probability.
I had a mixed episode where I was laughing and crying, I switched between the 2 every 10 minutes for about 2 hours for no reason, it happened after watching tv.
I am fine most of the time but then sometimes I will just get a depressive mood and I get suicidal (I don't self harm anymore I stopped that a year and a half ago).
I am not depressed because I am extremely optimistic most of the time.
When I get angry it feels as though I am out of control, but I am the most easy going and peaceful person anyone could meet, but I want to hurt people when I get angry.
I have most of the symptoms of the highs and lows of bipolar however I don't spend money, but I don't have a lot of money to spend I'm at school and don't work.
The manic episode feels like I am invincible, so happy, like I can do anything, I act so stupid and say things I wouldn't normally say.
For me it sounds more like moodinstability. Not all moodswings are necesserely Bipolar and problems regulating emotions is a common problem in ASD. If a person with problems regulating emotions also has a lot of stress of example this can leed to severe up and down without necesserely having bipolar.
I would go to an expert that she/he looks into it and finds out the reason for you mood, but your post didn't sounded much Bipolar to me. Just a personal impression.
Perhaps, but there is a high chance I do have it as my parent has it and my symptoms are just like hers. I believe Bipolar does not fully develop until you are older, an adult, I am 17, teenagers don't usually have the disorder full on, they only display the starting of it and it escalates as they get older. I score high on any Bipolar tests or symptoms tests, I just do not experience it for long periods of time... yet, there is a high chance I will in the future, just like my mum. I couldn't be bothered typing much so I only said a couple of small things.
This is how I feel:
Feeling unusually “high” and optimistic OR extremely irritable
◾ Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs about one’s abilities or powers
◾ Sleeping very little, but feeling extremely energetic
◾ Talking so rapidly that others can’t keep up
◾ Racing thoughts; jumping quickly from one idea to the next
◾ Highly distractible, unable to concentrate
◾ Impaired judgment and impulsiveness
◾ Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences
◾Feeling hopeless, sad, or empty.
◾ Irritability
◾ Inability to experience pleasure
◾ Fatigue or loss of energy
◾ Physical and mental sluggishness
◾ Appetite or weight changes
◾ Sleep problems
◾ Concentration and memory problems
◾ Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
◾ Thoughts of death or suicide
I experience almost all of the symptoms and my parent has it, if you research not many children/teens who are developing the disorder have longer episodes.
I don't have hallucinations or spend money. I have had depressive episodes that have lasted a week and I have had higher than usual states that have lasted a few days.
There is a chance it could be something else. Like I said I am getting assessed by a professional not you guys who don't know me, I just wanted to know what I asked.
I agree, when your mom has Bipolar and already sees symptoms in you than you are at very high risk developing Bipolar.

Is your mom Bipolar I or Bipolar II?
I know how it is to find out a new diagnosis about yourself, I jost got dx with ADD this week actually. My psychiatrist also has a Bipolar suspicion about me, but it's still not clear. Especially Bipolar II is hard to dx. My moodsymptoms could also be recurent depression and other stressors in addition. It's not easy to figur out what's going on sometimes, especially because there are now 100% reliable tests in psychiatry and the methods we use today are very subjective.

I am not sure what type my mum (Australian spelling of mom) has, but she had it really bad 3 years ago and it improved, she's a lot better now, I just want to find out what is wrong with my moods so I have support in the future if it gets bad and I can help it. Because I don't want to die just because I have a stupid mood swing. My mum's advice is when sad avoid pointy objects and pretty pills. I don't think I have the disorder just yet, but I scared I am developing it. My little sister has ADD, it's really hard for her, sorry to hear you have that. I was angry when I replied earlier too so sorry if I sounded mad.