Not even close.
I'm bipolar I, with more or less a normal life. Have a husband and a kid. No medication right now, but if I need it I will go back on lithium.
True BP1 does not have daily mood swings. You'll have stretch of depression or a stretch of mania. Then there is some "normal" time in between. If someone is in a foam all the time, that isn't bipolar I.
The problem with schizophrenia is the psychosis. Once that starts, it never goes truly away, and most schizophrenics need medication to keep the obtrusive voices or other delusions at bay. And antipsychotics suck ass in the side effects department.
I have never been so psychotic I heard voices, though I did see things. Once all that got stomped down by medication, it went away. When I have no depression or mania, there are no visual effects.
My schizophrenic friend is never free from her psychosis. If she doesn't take her medications, she starts decompensating. Then the voices and thoughts return.
I was told only 15% of diagnosed Schizophrenics lead lives without some sort of support. The mental illness is that crippling. My friend lives in a group home because her family doesn't want her around anymore. When her psychosis is bad, it's really bad and there is no talking to her.
I don't know any schizophrenics who are working a regular job, but I know many bipolars who work full or part time with no special accommodations.
Maybe the working ones REALLY keep it one the down low due to stigma. I don't know.