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29 Aug 2015, 12:11 pm

This has been really tiring... I've been diagnosed with bipolar for years but it seems so treatment resistant. So they put the label Borderline on it and said I needed therapy. Now it seems it's some sort of meltdowns, though they did not name a particular disorder. I'm doubting I even have bipolar. I'm on nasty stuff like lithium. How can I convince them that maybe the meds are not required? But sometimes I do get sort of mania-like symptoms, but the mood episodes are not typical at all. Do I like really need to try to find a good doctor? I can't seem to get one.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 29 Aug 2015
Age: 36
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29 Aug 2015, 7:59 pm

I am sorry to hear of your struggle. I can relate as have been on lots of psychiatric medications myself, lithium being one of them (it helped me more than the others but the side effects were intolerable). I have a label of bipolar, aspergers and borderline personality disorder and have had many others over the years. I never really mention the borderline pd because although bits fit, I dont really agree with it. I think you do need a good doctor. It is hard to convince professionals you dont need medication when you are diagnosed with bipolar but it isnt the right path for everyone and it is your life and your treatment. Sometimes coming off medication is viewed as a risk and there is reluctance by professionals to do so but perhaps you could suggest it as a trial and agree that if things deteriorate and it cannot be explained as a discontinuation symptom you will go back on them.