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06 Dec 2015, 4:48 pm

Last I talked about this, my mom was giving me xanax in addition to the other meds in spite of the doctor's orders, but now she decided against it, and is refusing to give me xanax, when that seems to be the only medication that works... Luckily, she's a nurse, so they have some more respect for her decision...
Yesterday, I was having panic attacks again, and my mom had to give me herb tea at night, and that seemed to do the trick.... But today, I drank two cups of herb tea, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and took a fish oil supplement, in addition to the medications, but my anxiety came on way earlier than yesterday, and I ended up drinking 1 1/2 more cups of herb tea, another fish oil supplement, AND, in a panic, I tried cutting my own hair to stop the dust from getting in me eyes, but ended up with a bald spot on my head, and then I called my mom, and asked her if I could take melatonin, and she said yes, so I took it.... I'm still getting real anxious, and the buspar is going to get out of my system soon, and I have NO idea what I'm going to do at school tomorrow....Luckily, I have a psychiatrist appointment at 2:00 pm tomorrow, so that may help.... do you think the herb tea made it worse? and what should I do about this long term?


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06 Dec 2015, 4:53 pm

What kind of herb tea did you take?

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06 Dec 2015, 4:53 pm

Rudin wrote:
What kind of herb tea did you take?

sage herb tea


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06 Dec 2015, 5:24 pm

Sage tea isn't normally used for anxiety. Stop the herbal tea, and see how you feel.


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06 Dec 2015, 5:44 pm

Sage contains a human hormone analog, a phyto-estrogen, and shows estrogenic activity in humans.

Depending on the species used for the tea, when it's harvested & other conditions it can have negative side effects.

(Salvia officinalis) can contain substantial amounts of thujone, a chemical that can trigger seizures.

Sage can also interfere with blood pressure regulation. Spanish sage (Salvia lavandulaefolia) can increase blood pressure in those with high BP, while common sage (Salvia officinalis) can lower blood pressure in those with already low BP.

Common sage can also mess with blood sugar level regulation, lowering it in people with diabetes.

I'm a bit confused by your first paragraph; You doctor prescribed xanax but your mom won't let you take it even though it works. Then she intentionally gives you herbal remedies that are known to have wildly variable side effects, but are not really applicable for what seems wrong? And you say, "luckily"???

I'm curious, is your mom also having you use Tea Tree soap or oils?

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06 Dec 2015, 6:51 pm

edenthiel my old doctor prescribed xanax, but my new doctor is opposed to it... im seeing my third doctor tomorrow