Do I have (or at least had) OCD?
I have a lot of obsessiveness, but I do not know so much about it. Something about things which looks like OCD (but it may be mixed with other conditions, such as AS or schizotypal disorder):
- when I was about 4 years old, I had strange customs such as not going to some vehicles because of "inadequate shame" ("inasha") - they were somewhat "ugly", it is hard to describe, it was rritating to my mother, I did not want to be malicious and do not remember so much fear, it looks idiosyncratic for me
- I do not want to say many words in my life (first symptoms of it were about being 7 years old), it was even in my secondary school, when I was about 17 - I did not say the name and surname of my pedeagogue because of "inasha", it were also in elementary school - normal words were "ugly" to me
- from about 7 years old I had something which looks like compulsions: getting up from bed when I lied in comfort (maybe witout magical thinking), touching door few times because of magical thinking, when I was about 12 - 15, magical compulsions were quite large, often with arithmomania and a lot of magical thinking, it looked weird, such as touching earth few times ner religious sanctuary (it was irritating to grandmother), it may be praying for example 16, 32, 64 times..., there was also obsessive returning (motor compulsions) quite often, it also looked "stupid"
- some rituals were weird, such as seeing TV decoder(?) in the room of my father all day (or rather night), touching feces after defecation (it was when I was about 12?)
- I had serious scrupulosity when I was about 16 - 18, I still have marked religious problem, I have problems with differentiating sins, I confabulate(?) due to religious fear of punishment on confessions
- now I have some ablutomania, fear of dirt
- I had some aggresive thoughts, blasphemous...
- sometimes the obsessions of compulsions were about not breathing (maybe with religious context or magical thinking)
- there might be "obsessive" fear about being offended by others
- I have some derealizational, whacky ideas, grandiose temptations etc.
- from being about 16 years old I have obsessive "suspiciousness" about people who are not so closely related to me (strangers), such as schoolmates (fear of being killed, harmed, poisoned by them)
- now I have quite lot of "obsessive" thoughts about doing something, it is problematic
- magical thinking can be still present in me, for example thinking that "if I do not do something (quite strange) then somebody will go to hell", it is weird thinking
- I pray a lot on summer 2008 (but I do not think that all of them was OCD or scizophrenia spectrum symptoms, some behaviors may be, but not (even "excessive") praying itself; on spring 2009 I had "spiritual darkness", somewhat "depressing" temptations about unforgettable sin and maybe other temptations
I sometimes got OCD diagnosis, one doctor even said once that I have "bookish case of OCD" when I was 17. I get paroxetine to relieve my obsessiveness now. I started to get drugs against it when I was about 17. I started other topic about my weird symptoms (about schizotypal disorder or schizophrenia: I may do not describe my symptoms so precisely.
I sometimes noticed OCD diagnosis (F42 from ICD-10) in my psychiatric "papers", so I received such a diagnosis. But it looks strange for me (dominance of idiosyncratic customs or magical thinking (maybe even without insight (or better: reflection)) when I was younger. It looks somewhat schizotypal. Rituals, routines are also a symptom of ASD.
I have quite strict moral rules. My mentality does not like confessions (they are complicated).
I like to kick small "stones" or similar things when I see it on the road or in similar places. It looks like OCD symptom. It is not so nice, it makes many tings (such as riding a bike) less pleasant and somewhat "uncomfortable".
I do not pray in rigid "times" now. It is not soo good. Rigid schedule of praying may act like OCD on my poor mentality
I had perfidious obsession of swearing to the Creator and writing a word, I did not write a word properly and I may be afraid that I commit mortal sin due to breaking of the oath by not deleting my posts from Polish AS forum (I have more than 5500 post there, it is the largest number of posts on that forum). Earlier I sweared that I DON'T delete them...
Scary obsessions, very problematic. I have the habit of giving oaths last time. I do not want to have it.