OliveOilMom wrote:
Breathing slowly into a paper bag does help , as does distracting yourself.
Good advice for hyperventilating, OOM.
The bag makes you re-breathe your exhalations somewhat, which have a higher CO2 content. If a bag isn't available, putting your face or head under the sheets or even a towel/cloth/blanket/piece of clothing can accomplish the same thing. However, as the CO2 goes up the O2 goes down and blood gets more acidic slightly so if it gets too low your body will try to breath faster to compensate - if someone isn't aware of why its happening it can make them think they are still hyperventilating and freak out a little. Like you said OOM, it helps to consciously try to slow the breathing so the person is aware of it.
That trick also can work sometimes for staving off a painful migraine, as CO2 is an anesthetic. It also affects the blood vessels in the head (dilates? contracts?) which can directly help alleviate the headache. People should just be sure to use something porous like a paper bag or a cloth so that some oxygen gets in, as the goal is to only slightly lower the raise the CO2 content.
“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.”
―Carl Sagan