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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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01 Apr 2011, 6:58 pm

I am male and 17 with ASD/AS/VCFS and I don't know why but I am a junior in high school and everyone thinks that I am stupid or slow for some reason and I wonder why that is. I have a really hard time with prossesing information and I seem to make other people really irritated with that. It sometimes takes me 10 to 15 seconds to come up with a answer that someone gave me and by the time I answer they would say "Dude you are really slow" or "Dude your an idiot" or something like that. A lot of people think that I am not that bright like every time I do a project on something I would work really slowly and make everyone mad at me because of how slow I take to do a activity that requires me to use my hands. I also have really bad focusing and I am mostly in my own little world most of the time daydreaming about other stuff that is going on in my head and it is really embarrassing when someone has to tap my shoulders to get me to come back and tell me to pay attention. I also make other people frustrated at me if I take a long time doing something and they would say "You are to slow" and they would just barge in to what ever I am doing and interrupt me when I am working. I now have this inferiority complex that I think that I am stupid or something because now everyone thinks that I am slow at what I do. I also have a really hard time with directions and following instructions and when someone tells me to go get something and I do and come back with the item they will get really mad at me and tell me that I did not bring the item right. I have people for some reason think that I am an idiot or stupid because everyone thinks that they are smarter than me and I don't want them to believe that and I was just wondering if that was me being in my own little world or if this was my own problems but I would like to know am I the only one like this? I know I may have posted this before but I would like to know if I am the only one like that?


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01 Apr 2011, 7:40 pm

the short answer: NO
the long answer: NOOOOOOOOO!! !

It takes me twice as long to do something as it does a "normal" person, but that doesn't make me stupid. I have at the very least least slightly above average intelligence. I think that this is because most people seem to act on instinct, and do not think at all. If people had to think about what they're doing, like me (and you too I assume), then it would take them longer to respond in any given situation.

This is from what I wrote in another thread:

SammichEater wrote:
Another problem I suspect is related to AS is my slow reaction timing. Just about everything takes me twice as long as it does other people. Every time someone asks my a question I always end up saying uuughhh.... for at least a second or two before I can spit out an answer. It makes me look like a total idiot, so I'll often times pretend not to hear them by saying "what?" so that I can buy myself some time to think of a response. It's also annoying that I only seem to be an average student in reading and writing on my SAT, and slightly above average in math, but only because I did not get to finish. I knew the answers. The questions weren't hard. I was flying through them like I never had before, but yet I still only managed to complete about 75% of the test. I'm almost always the last one to finish, but I almost always get the highest grades back, even without studying. It really pisses me off.

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02 Apr 2011, 3:39 pm

No. It is not just you. I recall being in jr. high... all these bells going off between classes, having to hurry through tons of people to the next room with a different seat, a different teacher, different students... the chaos of it all wore me right out. People would ask me something and I was like "What?" if I managed to say much at all. I was always holed up in my head back then... Hell, I'm 33 and I still reside in my head for the bulk of the day and need a shake to come back to reality now and then.

I process slowly, and the more there is going on around me, the slower I become. My filter for external stimulation sucks and people have thought I was rather unintelligent due to that. I also am terrible with directions. I need things written down very specifically and really will not get down what I am to do until I physically do it... but once I have it, I got it.

I understand your frustration in this. You are not alone in this.

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03 Apr 2011, 1:17 am

I have that issue too, and it is rather frusterating because I am pretty intelligent for the most part......but it seems like it takes things longer to process so it takes me longer to respond. people have just assumed I'm stupid or unintelligent before and well once they think that its really hard to convince them otherwise so I don't usually bother. Also whenever I've had a job in the past I guess I don't get things done quick enough.


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03 Apr 2011, 1:22 am

I have a very slow reaction time. Online I seem witty and sarcastic, but in RL I just look like a doofus because it takes me twice as long to think of a response than most people.

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03 Apr 2011, 5:58 am

user1001 wrote:
I am male and 17 with ASD/AS/VCFS and I don't know why but I am a junior in high school and everyone thinks that I am stupid or slow for some reason and I wonder why that is. I have a really hard time with prossesing information and I seem to make other people really irritated with that. It sometimes takes me 10 to 15 seconds to come up with a answer that someone gave me and by the time I answer they would say "Dude you are really slow" or "Dude your an idiot" or something like that. A lot of people think that I am not that bright like every time I do a project on something I would work really slowly and make everyone mad at me because of how slow I take to do a activity that requires me to use my hands. I also have really bad focusing and I am mostly in my own little world most of the time daydreaming about other stuff that is going on in my head and it is really embarrassing when someone has to tap my shoulders to get me to come back and tell me to pay attention. I also make other people frustrated at me if I take a long time doing something and they would say "You are to slow" and they would just barge in to what ever I am doing and interrupt me when I am working. I now have this inferiority complex that I think that I am stupid or something because now everyone thinks that I am slow at what I do. I also have a really hard time with directions and following instructions and when someone tells me to go get something and I do and come back with the item they will get really mad at me and tell me that I did not bring the item right. I have people for some reason think that I am an idiot or stupid because everyone thinks that they are smarter than me and I don't want them to believe that and I was just wondering if that was me being in my own little world or if this was my own problems but I would like to know am I the only one like this? I know I may have posted this before but I would like to know if I am the only one like that?

Some of the smartest people do things slowly. Grigori Perelman..took years working at the Poincaré conjecture, one of the most complex and until a few years ago unsolved maths problems ever. His teachers said he didn't think fast - he thought deep (fascinating dude actually if you have the time read this article ... 28fa_fact2)
I am NT for want of a better word, certainly I don't have an ASD but I was a day dreamer at school, to the point the teacher would make jokes at my expense the class would laugh and I would think 'whats that far off sound of laughter?'. Utterly lost in my thoughts at times. It was so bad I had to teach myself the alphabet, and quite a bit of maths once I worked out the other kids had learnt stuff and I hadn't. To this day my letters are written upside down and back to front in my own way.
I'm still best when working on a complex issue where I have the time to do it justice.

Sea Gull
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04 Apr 2011, 7:10 pm

Yeah like people my age are for some reason so impatient that when I take a long time to do something that most people say to me "DUDE, YOUR SO SLOW!! !" and people say this to me often and I wonder if it is because of ASD/AS. Because today I was doing a cooking job for a cooking class and my group sent one of the people to come up and help me get the supplies that I needed because they say I am to slow to do all the stuff and now I am just embarrassed by this. I also have terrible reflexes and my thinking is terrible. I wonder if it has to do with me daydreaming most of the time or something because that is what I think. I also take a long time to find the answer to a question and when the teacher tells me to come to the board to do a problem it takes me like a minute to figure out the answer and solve the problem. and I usually get it wrong and people have to fix my problem or mistake that I have made. Yeah but people always tell me I'm slow or that I am stupid for some reason and I don't know why they do this to me and I am now thinking that I am stupid or believing that myself. I also have a habit of screwing up on something when I do a project to like when I am working on something someone will come up to me and panic and tell me that is not how I am supposed to do that. Like I would be in a cooking class and people will be telling me that I am cooking the wrong way and they will just barge right in and fix my problem and after that I always feel stupid. Does anyone else have this problem?


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18 Apr 2011, 3:38 pm

Before I was diagnosed with AS, i thought i simply had poor reflexes and coordination. You may actually be confusing a slow reaction time for a problem with motor skills.

I know this quote is talking about children, but you may find it answers one of your questions:

Your child may be late in learning to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. He or she may have an awkward walk. Handwriting is often poor.

this came from a webMD article. I think it describes me, at 20 years old, alot. I was the last one to learn to ride a bike, i still have trouble catching a ball, and my handwriting sucks! Most, not all, people with AS can say the same thing about themselves.

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24 Apr 2011, 6:52 pm

SammichEater wrote:
the short answer: NO
the long answer: NOOOOOOOOO!! !

Zero Punctuation, cool!

Anyway, I have the same problem, but only if the stimulus requiring a response comes from another room. If the phone rings right next to me, I get it right away. But if it comes from the next room, then I wont realize it is ringing untill the answering machine kicks in.

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01 Jan 2012, 3:06 pm

Is it possible to have vcfs without any heart problems?
Im 17, male, and undiagnosed.

I have a few of the facial features but i'm not sure if i'm diagnosable because my heart, at least to my knowledge, is healthy. I've seen pictures of others with the syndrome and a few of them look a lot like me. A long middle head, small eyes, small head in proportion to my body, and slightly down-turned lips. A few family members on my dad's side actually have heart troubles, but im not sure if that says anything.
My voice resembles that of some aspies, but much harder to understand.
My iq is slightly above average. 127 i believe, but i was last tested 7 years ago, so it may have gone down over time.

I've been diagnosed with asperger's and add/adhd, but nobody has ever said anything to me about vcfs. I had never even heard of it until i stumbled upon a support website (while researching fas/fae, which i thought i had) Could i have gone undiagnosed for 17 years or am i only insecure about my physical appearance?

Please send me any thoughts or information you can.

Sorry for whatever spelling errors i made, i only had a few minutes to post this.


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01 Jan 2012, 6:21 pm

me too - had to do a timed coordination drawing test thing at uni once - I was several seconds behind all 30 of the other people in the class
to the point where I messed up the little graph we had to do of it by being a major "outlier" when everyone else was grouped really close.


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02 Jan 2012, 12:36 pm

I process slowly things that I hear. Reading is a different matter all together. When reading my brain adds the new material to everything I have ever read on that subject and processes it quickly expanding my knowledge of that subject. But when in conversation I can only process quickly if the environment is fairly quiet and I am conversing with only one or two people. Otherwise I react slower than everyone else does.

My IQ is not the problem. I have an IQ of 126.

Slow processing is NOT an indication of low IQ.

Have you read about Sensory Processing Disorder? You might find something there to help explain the frustration you are encountering with your slow reaction time.

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02 Jan 2012, 12:46 pm

dossa wrote:
I process slowly, and the more there is going on around me, the slower I become. My filter for external stimulation sucks and people have thought I was rather unintelligent due to that. I also am terrible with directions. I need things written down very specifically and really will not get down what I am to do until I physically do it... but once I have it, I got it.

Same for me. :) My filter for external stimulation also sucks! If it is written (or I can form a picture of what I am being told) then I can get it fairly quickly. But the more external stimuli there is the longer it takes me. But once I have gotten it, I have it forever, because that picture stays in my head and I can pull it up whenever I want. It is useless to tell me directions ~ I must see them written down.

I have also found that when I am conversing my brain is converting what I am being told into pictures and that before I can reply I need to translate the pictures in my head into words. This takes a few seconds, but for me might explain why my reaction time is just slightly slower than others.

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07 Jan 2012, 3:41 pm

Definitely're not alone. I am always on a 2-second delay >_< I hate it b/c I know people notice it when I'm having a conversation, because I'll just pause for a second to think of an answer or it just takes a second to react when someone playfully hits me on the shoulder or something.... but I can't really do much about just happens.


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25 Jan 2012, 10:25 am

No there's nothing wrong with you, you just have slow processing speed. this can be because you're introverted or because of autism.

I have the same issue and am 17, i wait quite a time before answering anything, i just need time to think about things in my head and if i'm overstimulated or people don't allow me to take time i just zone out and my mind goes blank, there's really nothing wrong with you.

I can take minutes for me to form a proper sentence in my mind and even then it won't always come out the way i intented it.

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25 Jan 2012, 10:30 am

You probably have a very good long term memory so you always have to dig into your brain to find whatever you search for, it takes time but it's very good to have it cause you could be way more intelligent and give way better answers than the folks who answer right away and don't think before they do.

Who's to say I can't live forever? Jack Sparrow

Aspie score: 182-200

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