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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 Aug 2016, 4:18 am

I have Borderline. I sometimes are honest and "rude". I hate conflicts, but appears to fall into them all the time. I wish I was somebody else and not alive. But hospital keeps me alive. It is confusing. Several with borderline here? How do you deal with conflicts? I go black and white.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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20 Aug 2016, 3:38 pm

Do you have an autism diagnosis (Aspergers) as well as a borderline personality disorder diagnosis? I ask because the two have symptoms and traits that can appear similar.
Yea its takes some luck to avoid saying anything that is true but considered rude. Do you not know until someone points out to you that what you've said is rude?
I dislike conflicts as well I can always feel the tension, not pleasant.
Using black and white thinking is probably going to continue and increase negative feelings and emotions regarding the conflict. That isn't productive so I'd try to remind myself that regardless of fault the other person was emotionally upset and their emotions are as valid as mine. I mean truly it is not 100% one side good 100% the other side bad.
Wish you well.


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01 Sep 2016, 2:28 am

I was diagnosed with both when I was suffering from a psychotic depression. The borderline symptoms gradually got better as my depression improved. I still had some of the borderline symptoms years after I quit seeing psychs & taking meds till I started medication for specially for my anxiety & OCD. I understand why the psych diagnosed me with borderline at the time cuz I was really unstable. I had just screwed up my 1st relationship cuz of my anxiety & OCD.

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02 Sep 2016, 5:42 pm

I have both. I hate conflicts but within a relationship where I feel comfortable (and where all my insecurities surface) it can be like a battlefield. I am so sensitive to any slights, even if they just word something wrong I will take it to heart and cause drama/turn on them. I hate it.

I think having ASD actually helps my BPD as my logical mind has some play and tries to tame the emotional mind. Its still very difficult but I believe I would be a lot more unstable without ASD.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Sep 2016, 5:12 am

BitterCoffee wrote:
Do you have an autism diagnosis (Aspergers) as well as a borderline personality disorder diagnosis? I ask because the two have symptoms and traits that can appear similar.
Yea its takes some luck to avoid saying anything that is true but considered rude. Do you not know until someone points out to you that what you've said is rude?
I dislike conflicts as well I can always feel the tension, not pleasant.
Using black and white thinking is probably going to continue and increase negative feelings and emotions regarding the conflict. That isn't productive so I'd try to remind myself that regardless of fault the other person was emotionally upset and their emotions are as valid as mine. I mean truly it is not 100% one side good 100% the other side bad.
Wish you well.

Yes I have. They are similar in one way, and different in another. I like have you think in conflicts.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Sep 2016, 5:13 am

Ebz7 wrote:
I have both. I hate conflicts but within a relationship where I feel comfortable (and where all my insecurities surface) it can be like a battlefield. I am so sensitive to any slights, even if they just word something wrong I will take it to heart and cause drama/turn on them. I hate it.

I think having ASD actually helps my BPD as my logical mind has some play and tries to tame the emotional mind. Its still very difficult but I believe I would be a lot more unstable without ASD.

You have a point! ASD make borderline a little in control! Because of all my rutines and all.


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12 Sep 2016, 6:21 am

Hermissinglink wrote:
I have Borderline. I sometimes are honest and "rude". I hate conflicts, but appears to fall into them all the time. I wish I was somebody else and not alive. But hospital keeps me alive. It is confusing. Several with borderline here? How do you deal with conflicts? I go black and white.

I think I would be a lot less stable every day without autism.

When I've told people what it feels like to be borderline, it's kind of like a strong emotion every hour. I hate it. I feel like I have little to know control with how to feel emotions.

But thinking black and white is not the answer either. The first thing that comes to mind is "Okay, that's wrong; maybe I shouldn't do that." But what if that isn't the case? I wish I had the solution too, but to deal with conflicts, I thinking I've always ran, but it always pursued me.

Shedding your shell can be hard.
Diagnosed Level 1 autism, Tourettes + ADHD + OCD age 9, recovering Borderline personality disorder (age 16)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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28 Sep 2016, 4:12 pm

nick007 wrote:
I was diagnosed with both when I was suffering from a psychotic depression. The borderline symptoms gradually got better as my depression improved. I still had some of the borderline symptoms years after I quit seeing psychs & taking meds till I started medication for specially for my anxiety & OCD. I understand why the psych diagnosed me with borderline at the time cuz I was really unstable. I had just screwed up my 1st relationship cuz of my anxiety & OCD.

Reading this almost felt liike reading my story. But then I remembered I messaged you about it before.

I'm misdiagnosed with BPD for similar reasons. Really unstable at the time. But after a couple years it seemed to just kinda go away.. left with depression and OCD as my primary concerns.