Recently I've become increasingly convinced that I have something other than ASD which has been causing me so many difficulties in life. I've been looking up avoidant personality disorder and several online tests are pretty conclusive that I have it. The only problem is that so many of the visible "symptoms" resemble ASD on the surface so no professionals have, clearly, ever attempted to investigate when ASD fits just about enough to make life much easier for them...
The problem is that although I know I have ASD to a certain extent I don't think I have it to quite the extent that everyone now assumes. I have great feelings of inadequacy that aren't just down to not knowing about social cues or *how* to talk to people, which have been made worse by years of rejection in all spheres of life, and I've put off so many things in life because I fear criticism, and further rejection, from others. But it seems like, now they've got their diagnosis, this is *all* put down to merely being socially inept (and all too often I'm presumed to be intellectually incompetent also) and the only help I've ever received is pamphlets or invitations to social groups where they teach small talk. To be honest I never felt the need for those groups because they never seemed to teach anything that I didn't gather from watching TV, actually *being* in social situations in the past and, you know, living life... I do have those issues on occasion but again I feel there's far more to it.
Anyone else had other mental health conditions which have been "obscured" by ASD?