I have a diagnoses of AS/HFA. I meet most of the criteria for HFA, however, I do not possess some prominent, and quite obvious AS traits, which had in fact, made up a portion of the list of criteria. I cannot imagine Hans Asperger, diagnosing me with AS, based on some criteria that he put in place (I am aware that AS is no longer given as a diagnoses).
I have been a member of WP, for 2 years, and, for most of that time, have been reading posts by other aspies, some of whom I have gotten to know, personally, and the more I read and interact, socially with Aspies, the more inconsistencies I have come to notice in myself (despite a proper assessment and dx, in addition to a score of 152 out of 200, on the rdos test, 2 years, ago, and a score of 148, a few days, ago). I have been told at various times, by my psychologist, that some opposing traits I possess, are, in fact, autistic features. But, I never considered separating my autism dx from the AS aspect, thus, have never questioned my psychologist about it.
I, no longer believe it is possible that I am an Aspie, which, actually, weighs heavy on my heart, as I write about it, due to the fact that it has played a significant part in how I have come to identify myself with myself. If that makes any sense. o0 o•.*~