Constant need for stimulation?
My two biggest issues with being bipolar are : getting enough sleep and the need for constant stimulation.
If I don't get constant stimulation, I get bored, then severely depressed. Like right now, I'm typing this on a second monitor while I'm playing a video game. I always have at least 6 or 7 browser tabs open at once because I'm constantly looking stuff up. I try to keep a bunch of projects lined up for myself. Unfortunately, due to other mental disabilities including bipolar, I can't work (it's bad enough that my doctor thinks me being home is a good thing for me) and can't really afford my projects, not that they're terribly expensive. I've tried doing other things and finding free or at least cheaper hobbies, but it's not fulfilling. When I do have money and spend it on my projects, I always here from my mother or SO how I don't need to be spending money. My dad and doctor support it because they know it's what prevents me from being depressed. As my pdoc put it, having projects lined up gives me a protective barrier from depression.
Right now, my current project is coming to a close and I'm already starting to get depressed. I've spent what other little money I had on stupid stuff because getting a delivery from Amazon really just perks me up. It's like Christmas. I really hate how I need to spend money to stimulate myself. There's gotta be some crazy, but safe things I can do to get the adrenaline going.
Does anyone else here deal with needing constant stimulation in order to not be depressed? How do you manage it? Do you spend money, take drugs, do something insane?
Radda Radda
This sounds like me too, though what you describe I attribute to my ADHD. I have to be completely engrossed in something to avoid boredom. I play video games as well, the two that help me the most right now are Civ 5 and World of Warcraft. As far as cheaper projects, the only one I do that is mostly free is writing. My art stuff is so expensive that I tend to only draw or color instead of paint with acrylics which I'd prefer to do.
It's so hard to fight depression, I think it's insensitive of your mom and SO to tell you to not spend your money on the stuff that makes you happy.... sorry if that seems like a judgement, I'm particularly sensitive to people that do that because my mom does the same thing to me. Sometimes I wonder how another human being can think they know you so well yet suggest everything that would be hard, impossible, not fun for you, etc. (my mom, she hates fun?)
Take care of yourself.
That sounds like me. I have Schizoaffective: Bipolar type. Instead, if I don't do things constantly, off meds I will hear things. Sometimes on meds too, but not often. That and I just get a feeling of not being able to sit still. I have to be doing something, and lately, the computer alone isn't cutting it. I'm not sure I can offer any suggestions of what to do, as I struggle to keep myself stimulated and busy as well. I can't work either. My psychiatrist thinks it's a big step for me to go back to school this September. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. If anyone does have any suggestions I'd be happy to hear them too!
AQ: 39 ---- RAADS-R: 187.0
Nonverbal Learning Disorder; diagnosed September 2010
Schizoaffective disorder; diagnosed December 2012
ASD/Asperger's Syndrome traits; diagnosed August 2014
IQ 120
(Diagnosed using the DSM-IV, not DSM-5)
I have cyclothymia. I know when I'm at mid or up, I have a need to be stimulated. It's not neccessarily lots of things at once. I focus on one thing at a time, and seem somewhat methodical about it. I'm on meds now for the cyclothymia but my need for stimulation hasn't gone away.
I have a number of tasks I do to fill my time. Through the internet, I have several sites I constantly check. These are a few story sites, imgur, news, and blogs. I read books. Occasionally I will play games. If I have the space, I'll work on arts & crafts.
I see my need of stimulation as a sort of craving similar to when I'm hungry. I just need to fill it. Sometimes I can sate it, sometimes I can't. It really helps if it's something new for me to process.
I don't get depressed, so much as anxious when I run out of things to do. Sometimes trying to find stimulation is stimulation in and of itself and that works.
As for dealing with it, I give into it and just go back around to find more things to stimulate myself.
Hi there!
Would like to revive this topic if you don't mind!
Just found this thread looking up on Google... I just realized my chronic depression is due to inability to satisfy my craving for constant stimulation.
I'm pretty ADHD and OCD, although haven't been diagnosed yet. And I'm wondering if any other related disorders could be causing this and I should check them out.
And this need is pretty severe.
Have you figured if this symptom belonged to some particular diagnosis?
I'm the same way. I miss being in school. When I was doing my MS in atmospheric science I was obsessed with learning. Since my mental breakdown I haven't been able to continue on my career path and haven't even been working. It's horrible not being able to find anyone on the same level as me with respect to my interests. There's only so much I can read alone or look up on the internet before I get bored. I play video games but a particular game usually doesn't hold my interest for more than a month or so. My wife doesn't really understand my need for mental stimulation. She tells me I should just go out and walk, but I feel like walking is boring when I have nothing interesting to think about.
Omg, I'm the same way...
Most people around just don't understand that need.
I can learn 10x like other people in the same time.
I get bored with repetition instantly and just keep sucking in new information.
Some think I'm a maniac or sth, lol, but they seem so boring and predictable to me.
It's like my brain doesn't have any brakes.
Should I practice mindfulness or sth...
Is it driven by anxiety or is it just an innate trait...