nick007 wrote:
I got 33%
SaveFerris wrote:
The answers were too black & white for me
One question was for me. I LOVE when my girlfriend puts me in a bear hug but I feel anxious in an elevator with more than 4 people if they are strangers. I put No for this question. I also do NOT find roller-coasters thrilling cuz I get motion sickness. Should I have put Yes for that one

Public speaking makes me anxious but it's NOT because of the mic or fear of falling, it's because of social anxiety & disliking being the center of attention so I put No
That's why I hate ( not actual hate ) these types of quizzes , they usually throw up more questions than answers for me.
The hugging question was difficult for me to answer as hugging doesn't appear to have the same effect on me as others , the only reason I hug my GF is I know she likes it ( it doesn't come naturally to me either).
I should of put no for the public speaking question as like you it's a type of anxiety for me also.
As for the roller coaster question I don't know if you should of put yes.
One aspect of my ASD assessment I am looking forward to is to be able to ask specific questions about the tests I do i.e If it was an SPD assessment you could ask about the motion sickness and if it was relevant.
I've been told by my CBT therapist to stop taking tests and researching disorders but was told by an ASD specialist who is going to be part of my assessment that it was beneficial for me to research - talk about mixed messages
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Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard