So - I've been seeing this therapist just once every few months - she is a gender therapist and it was originally just when I was having major reassignment surgeries done, as some people freak out (no freakout for me - reassignment surgery is awesome) but now I'm considering other avenues.
Because oddly, gender isn't my biggest problem. Independent living without contact with relatives is.
I also find it extremely difficult to actually talk, both physically because of my speech issues (correction soon, I hope) and because I find that hard psychologically. So ultimately, I end up seeing this therapist, and all I do is restate facts. It's a progress report. I did this, I went there, I tried this option, I intend to do this or that.
And all she does is sit and nod. Then I leave.
This is not helping me.
I am very practical when it comes to these kinds of problems - I need feedback, ideas, suggestions about how I could actually solve a particular problem, enlightenment about psychological theory as to why I respond the way I do and what I can do about this, etc.
So, with all that in mind - has anyone ever had therapy done via email? I looked it up and apparently it is done.
I write much better than I speak, and I can actually express things much better in writing than I could ever say them.
Also, if things were done in writing, this would force a therapist to actually respond with something useful. You can't just sit there and nod in writing without contributing something to the information I'm giving out.
I know some people "just need to vent" or "just need someone to talk to" or "just need someone to listen."
That isn't me. I need help with things. To me, conventional talk therapy seems utterly pointless. I wondered if the written version would be any more useful.
Alexithymia - 147 points.