I feel like s**t today. It's like I go through months of anxiety, social isolation, paranoia then I get the sudden urge to try and go out and meet someone new or just socialize but I get so damn uncomfortable trying to talk to people, I'll stammer and say weird things. I don't mean to it just happens. Then I get depressed and go back to isolation. Pfft ! WTF! Over it. It's been this way since 2007. Before that, I was high on opiates the whole time acting like a f*****g idiot for 15 years. The misery of life man. Before that, I was getting raised by a child molester and an enabler, WTF! I was doomed from the start. My mother gave me up for adoption, cause she was addicted to drugs and my father was one of 4 musicians in some band from the 60's. She doesn't know which one and won't tell me the name of the band. When does it all end man?